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public opinion... Do I belong?

Should I stay?
... or should I go?
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Post by kageyuki »

There are times to joke about things, but there are times when things should be taken with at least a little bit of sincerity. When someone's feeling down and ignored, making fun of them and telling them to "get over yourself" isn't exactly the best course of action, is it?

So, by ignoring the peckerhead that solves the problem? Someone says something you don't agree with, you just let it go, so they can continue saying such things, letting it get worse.

If it hadn't happened, here, it would have probably happened soon enough, somewhere else.

... but I guess that doesn't matter, because it's Josh.
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Post by stuart2004 »

kageyuki wrote: ... but I guess that doesn't matter, because it's Josh.

actually when I first started this forum Josh and I had a go....but hell so have you and I.....part of it is because I am an ass.....but no conflict is one sided....there just comes a time when you realize that it really doesnt matter.......especially since you said you werent going to be posting here much............but is it really necessary to flame back and forth with him??????????Couldnt you just simply do like a large portion of this forum and just come on here and talk to the people that you actually enjoy chatting with.. i mean I virtually ignore anyone I dont know or care about...I might give a new person a chance after I see that they have been here more than one day........and if I know who the person is and I still dont like them then guess what I IGNORE Them..(well most of the time anyway)..........there is really no need to flame back and forth......what good is it really doing???

and again

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Post by kageyuki »

It's more than a little difficult to ignore someone who's all over the forums. That being the case, like I'd already said if it didn't happen here, it would have happened elsewhere.... Let us assume the cognitive word here is understood to be was.

I've already buried my hatchet here, but your words seem to keep implying that I'm still holding it.
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Post by iamcool »

kageyuki wrote:
iamcool wrote:you think your any different from any1 else?
Not really, but you certainly seem to think you are.
that happens to lots of people at some point but how many do u hear bitching about it?
u started a thread about if people wanted u to stay or go, if that isn't attention seeking i don't know what is
Actually, the purpose of this thread is a moot point. I had only commented to those who had thought me missing or dead, and to give my reasons for not being around so much. You know full well that this thread ceased being about whether or not I should stay or go over two months ago...
As for the others who've felt slighted here. True, you don't hear any "bitching" from them... They just leave.

Of course, you'd know everything about attention getting. it's all you do around here. it's what most people are here for... to gain a certain level of attention for their views, but how can that happen when there are somany people to hear? I know this is the main reason why I never get responses on comments I write in the discussion forums.
:? you didn't answer my question of why you getting pissy with just me and singling me out, seeing as u just said i'm not the only one like that

ok let me take you back to something you said i do that you don't like....
kageyuki wrote:You don't run away when people say they hate you, huh? Actually your whole little "joke" thing is a perfect defense against all that as well. If someone tells you they hate you, all you have to do is just say something bad, hurtful and untrue about them, and say you were joking! Just like you did here...

... and, of course, since you were just joking... all has to be forgiven, right??
and tell me what are you doing here...
kageyuki wrote:Of course, since we're all joking here to begin with, why does it seem like Josh has been taking these posts so seriously?
hmmm, what were you doing there then

hypocrite much?

and let me guess your going to come back with, i said that as a joke because i always do it... please =; :smt015
Last edited by iamcool on Tue Feb 27, 2007 8:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by stuart2004 »



and stop being a pecker head
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Post by iamcool »

no i wont let it go :)
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Post by stuart2004 »

fine if you wont let it go I vote we have a knock down drag out fight.....come to the US and winner b*tches out the loser for 10 minutes flat

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Post by kageyuki »

Josh wrote: :? you didn't answer my question of why you getting pissy with just me and singling me out, seeing as u just said i'm not the only one like that
I'm sorry it seemed like I was singling you out, but basically it was because you were the main one saying all that not-so-nice stuff (jokingly.) or at least you were the only on on this thread that was doing that.
Wouldn't exactly make much sense to comment about something directly to someone from a different thread or forum. Now, if any of the others had come onto this thread and had said those not-so-nice things, I would have commented on them... but at least you wouldn't have been singled out.
Josh wrote:ok let me take you back to something you said i do that you don't like....
kageyuki wrote:You don't run away when people say they hate you, huh? Actually your whole little "joke" thing is a perfect defense against all that as well. If someone tells you they hate you, all you have to do is just say something bad, hurtful and untrue about them, and say you were joking! Just like you did here...

... and, of course, since you were just joking... all has to be forgiven, right??
and tell me what are you doing here...
Proving my point. That when you flame someone and turn around saying you were only joking, everyone just turns away and all is forgiven, but when I do that and try to turn around and joke like everything's okay, I get blasted every which way.
Josh wrote:
kageyuki wrote:Of course, since we're all joking here to begin with, why does it seem like Josh has been taking these posts so seriously?
hmmm, what were you doing there then

hypocrite much?
But, you see, I never said I was joking from the beginning. You did. Yet when I seemed to turn a little more serious you started taking these a little more seriously, yet still stated that you were still only joking.

So, if you are really just joking, then it would be better for the both of us to just drop this.
Josh wrote:and let me guess your going to come back with, i said that as a joke because i always do it... please =; :smt015
No, I thought that was your line. Everybody who knows me on here knows I don't joke around as much as you do, and they know I don't tell blatant lies like that one would have been.

The fact of the matter is that I'm on more than one forum, which is why I'm not on here, very much. Why did I join another forum? Simple, because they invited me. I came to the LG fourms on my own free will, because I wanted to. I started going to the other fourm because they wanted me.

I know it doesn't matter who likes me or who hates me on here, but in my own opinion, I'd rather come back to a place where the people I know are mostly friends. Friends (even jokingly) wouldn't have been talking like that behind their friends' back, and I had thought of you as a friend.

I'll still be around here, but I don't want to continue this kind of discussion. There's enough drama going on in the Breeniverse for that.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Oh...don't join in a peeing contest Kagey.
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Post by AutoPilate »

Can I change my vote?

(Kidding, kage. ;) )
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Post by kageyuki »

Kasdeja wrote:Oh...don't join in a peeing contest Kagey.
I'll try not to.
AP wrote:Can I change my vote?

(Kidding, kage. )
Heh. You can do as you like. It doesn't much matter anymore, does it? :wink:
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Post by iamcool »

ok i can't be bothered doing all the quoting bits but why is it ALWAYS a pitty party with you?
ohhh you do it all the time but 1 i do it once i get blasted boo hooo hooo :cry:

but god i'm tired of you, so theres no point responding to this because i wont reply to that 1
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Post by Kasdeja »

Josh, where is this pity party? Let it go, dude, it's Kage. He's a nice guy. He doesn't come here often, when he does he goes to the thread he made...much like spacie...what's the big deal, guy?
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Post by AutoPilate »

Yeah, I mean, what would Jesus do?

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Post by Kasdeja »

lick balls? er...what's a pederast, walter...
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