I disagree. I think she does appreciate daniel, very much so.imogene2004 wrote:What ticks me off is that after everything Daniel's done for Bree, she still doesn't seem to appreciate him. Yeah, she saved his life (actually that credit should go to Tachyon) but he was only in that predicament because of her. Now, she hardly gives him the time of day, she's too busy making googly eyes at Jonas.Daniel deserves alot better.
She doesn't need to be sexually attracted to daniel just because he helped her. If she likes Jonas, she can like jonas. If daniel is sleeping and they wanna go on a hike, they should go. That doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate him, that means she's respecting his health and letting him sleep. She was annoying before jonas came about when they were on the road - with daniel and taking advantage of him - but now I think she's been great - especially when she put it all on the line for daniel.
I don't think she's into him. maybe she is, but I kinda hope she's into Jonas because i'd like to see a love scene.
I just outed myself as one of the massses with a crush on jonas. sigh.
So did everyone zoom in the background of the hiking scenes? I assume by now if there was anything it woudl ahve showed up, right?