now watch it leap onto its pray.
Watch as the Lion aims directly for the strongest muscles i nthe gazell's legs. There is no escape

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Ziola wrote:Who says they "take" girls from their families? We have no proof of that. For all we know, it is a great honor for families in their religion and when approached, they willingly give their child up.
Tachyon herself is no saint if you'll recall. There is the little matter of dead Gemma as well as her "babysitter".
If we take everything for as we've seen it for what it is...True, Bree's dad was part of the order so maybe we can't take everything he did as true, BUT we do know he disobeyed the order and that led to his death. (if he IS even dead.)Ziola wrote:Here's where I have a problem with your "facts". You scream with every sentence that the Order and all associated with it is wrong and evil. Yet, you base some of your decisions on things that come from the Order. Why is her father trustworthy? He is part of the Order and therefore any information that he might impart should be suspect, in your view.
And because its Tachyon who is doing the killing, its alright? That is truly messed up. Why is it morally okay for one person to kill others and not okay for another group to simply have people watching over someone and making sure they are taken care of?
If they truly wanted to snatch Bree, they could have done so at Jonas' house.
Edited to add: *smack* Aren't you supposed to be working?
Edited again: I've gotta go work now...
Most of us are well aware that she was part of the Order-- because she was a double agent. She's actually part of another group, an Anti-Order if you will, often referred to as "The Family" which has been popularly identified as "The Culper Ring." Her job was to infiltrate the Order.theresascraps wrote:I don't think Tachyon is the savior everyone thinks she is. I went back and rewatched her videos and it seems she was in the Order for a while. As has been said, trust no one.
If so, then why didn't they remove the tracking device from Daniel's car?chevyfudd wrote:I also think they are good. They make themselves visible. Just sounds like a good theroy to me.
Wow, Sami, that is a good theory, but I'm still troubled that Tachyon didn't tell them she was having them watched, if that is the case.Sami wrote:What if the watchers are working for Tachyon and Brothers organisation. And the reason they don't hide is so the order will see them and don't make a move on Bree
I don't think she did. She only confirmed that she had "babysitters" working for her, and while that sounds like what the Watchers do, she hasn't used that specific term (neither has Tachyon; she used "babysitter" as well).PinkoLady wrote:Someone said that OpAphid confirmed that the Watchers worked for her... I'm not sure about that though.