0134-Watch This! [2/16/07]

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Post by KrystalRayne »

I am trying to figure out why they didn't go right after them. I mean, why not grab Jonas or Bree? Why not set the house on fire?

They need to be good.

I keep thinking about the story of Heaven and Hell. Hell is rules by a fallen angel.

What if the Watchers are part of the Good Guys and Ophaid are good guys turned bad?

Or maybe the three of them are needed for something. Like a center to a web of life or something.
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Post by Balmung »

here's the play-by-play:

ok so jonas walks up and goes to deck the watcher:

but he catches the punch, fairly effortlessly.

bree steps in between them, while the watcher goes to hit Jonas back.

the watcher stops himself mid-punch, presumably not to hit bree.

Jonas and bree stand there in a [could you calll that an embrace?]for a few seconds [a long time for how fast the action is moving]. there is some debate as to whether this shows a "connection" between them. the watcher could be talking here, but you can't hear it.

bree gets the frick out. jonas stays for a minute. he could be wanting to fight, but a show of force [knife/gun?] could have made him change his mind; or the watcher could be saying something to him and he stays only long enough to listen.

jonas follows her, but looks back, possibly just to see if he's being followed, or possibly because the watcher could be saying something.

p.s. check out jonas' pecks! :wink:
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Post by KrystalRayne »

Ok.... two possibilities

a. They are bad. That is why he was going to hit back.

b. they are good... hitting back was instinct. Telling them to get the F*** OUT OF THERE!
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Post by Balmung »

i don't think it's very likely that hitting back was an instinct, his behavior seemed to indicate he had very exact control of himself. notice he never drops into a fighting stance, he's always standing up straight, with his hands in the same position unless he is using them. also, he doesn't move when advanced upon, and there's no definitive proof that he spoke back when jonas was gettin in his face.
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Post by Magesa »

Thanks for the info on Tachyon and the play by play. Very useful to think about!

If the "babysitter" wasn't a Watcher, I wonder what it could have been? It's definitely implied that she killed a Watcher, and the whole escapade is very much Tachyon's style.

I'm leaning towards Watchers: good, but there is too much evidence against it for me to start arguing it.

As for the Watcher in this video, he definitely goes to punch Jonas, in a controlled stance, but stops so as not to hit Bree. He seemed to signal, "I don't want to hurt her, have her go and we'll do this," but that would also fit the "they need Bree unharmed" theory, which is basically accepted as fact at this point.

However, the Order's lack of action is intriguing. Only Lucy ever really chased them. And it always seemed that the Order kept egging them on to run, through Gemma and then through stationing a guy right in the driveway, like he wanted to be seen. Even when he made them flee the hotel, he was watching rather obviously (other times, not quite so blatantly.) Sometimes it even seemed like Gemma pointed out obscure watchers to get them to run, and she was the one who told us the Watcher symbol: to freak them out. It doesn't quite fit.

Thought: OpAphid uses the same symbol that Gemma told us was a Watcher symbol. Now we associate it with OpA and the Order in general, but it was originally introduced as having to do specifically with the Watchers.
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Post by Mushu »

Due to the fact that OpAphid posted a vblog with the title "Adventures in BABYSITTING, I'm guessing that Tachyon's babysitter was someone from OpAphid.
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Post by watching_watchers »

New video is interesting..Did Jonas get a shot in at that watcher?
&& um I'll be back tomorrow to talk more about it cause im beat and its past 3 am. kay bye.
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Post by kiyoshi »

Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
EternalGoddess wrote: I was shocked when Bree ignored Danial and threw herself infront of Jonas.
yeah, Bree is unwilling for ANYONE to be hurt, but Daniel seemed pretty safe inside.

........the more Bree goes through this, the more sacrificial she's becoming......

i am REALLY questioning the nature of the ceremony about now...
What Nieriel said really came to my attention.

Maybe in fact the nature of the ceremony, (in case it "fails" as it did in Bree's case, and perhaps the same as Tachyon's sister), would would be to provide some backfire to the rebellious members.

It's hard for me to describe, but. We all know The Order has connections in high places and how strong they are right?

To raise someone up as a small child and prepare them for a ceremony, when they know that these kids may end up betraying The Order if they "find out too much," would be extremely risky. Especially if you keep a lot of important information secret from them.

The Order wouldn't be stupid to just let a plan go without a fallback. To place so much importance in a strategy and not have a Plan B to retaliate would be outright suicide for themselves.

So maybe things for them are going according to their second plan. Like having Bree gradually become more sacrificial. Having Daniel get captured by them. And maybe, having Jonas so angry that he retaliates.

Maybe this is what they want to happen. Who knows what their plan is? But something about all of this is really unsettling to me.

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But of course, I'm just waiting for THEIR plans to eventually capsize and have the trio win the day.
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Post by Sami »

Way to go Jonas!
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Post by Mgz »

Balmung wrote:he could be wanting to fight, but a show of force [knife/gun?] could have made him change his mind
I don't think that it was a gun, the man in black and jonas were too near and a gun isn't useful to that distance! is more probable was a knife...
however, why has he not followed them? he seems to remain exactly where he is :?:

ps: "Hey, you know what, we keep running away, they're just gonna keep chasing us... I'm tired of it...jonas is a legend!!!!!
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Maybe the "watchers" are just watchers..they don't fight...they just bring information back....maybe they are protectors ;)
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Post by Biglancer01 »

TheFatLady wrote:I don't understand why Jonas ran away after only briefly confronting the guy. Did the bald guy say something scary?
He ran away because he punched him as hard as he could, and all that happened was the dood stood there looking at him and Jonas was realing back shaking his hand.

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I think D was trying to hold B back, then she broke free ...b/c he was filimg to and did n't have a good grip on her...
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Post by daydream183 »

Cool vid! I just hope they remembered to grab Tachy's disc when they left!
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Post by TJ Marsh »

Sami wrote:Way to go Jonas!
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