Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to my question. I appreciate it. If there's more thoughts on it, I'd like to hear them, as I still don't feel satisfied/don't understand, to be honest.
PinkoLady wrote:Even if it would be like strangers, most people have a desire to know or understand their past-- and especially in this situation, dealing with an organization that's shrouded in mystery and sketch as hell, one would likely be interested in knowing what the hell happened.
That's understandable, sure. Bree will probably want to know where she came from. That's natural. I just don't think it's necessarily important to the story that's going on.
PinkoLady wrote:Really, why wouldn't her "real parents" potentially be really significant to the story? It's not the most pressing thing, but it's obviously going to be important to Bree, and could easily be neccessary in fulling understanding everything.
Well, there's no reason they wouldn't
potentially be significant so long as we don't know what makes Bree special to those nutjobs. We couldn't know at this time. I was more concerned with the number of people who seemed to feel they were
certainly significant.
I agree that it'll probably be something Bree wonders about, but even then I don't think it has to be important in that sense such that there has to be a reunion or something to that effect. I think if they have to play some part in Bree maturing/growing up/adjusting to her life, they could be equally important if she were to just learn from OpAphid that her birth parents were killed and she was taken from them. Even if she were to never even learn their names, what they looked like, or where they were from.
What she could take from that is deciding who she wants to be is more important than what her origins say she should be or what she was raised to be. She could focus on making the best of her present and future instead of mulling over the past.
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:The only information I deeply care about right now would involve the Order. If her birth parents can bring something of that in.. then go for it. If not, please, let's not waste our time on that issue, Creators.

You summarized all my thoughts on the issue far better than I was going to (I'd alread typed out a couple of paragraphs, but I can erase them now after looking at this a second time).
longlostposter wrote:Well, lurker, to me it seems obvious. While it's not a big point with me, I can see how it would be to others. As of right now, Bree has no parents...her father is dead and her mother cannot be trusted, and is, in fact, an enemy. Bree therefore has no support system. If she were to find her real parents, even though they were vitual strangers to her, they would be some kind of support system for Bree; provided they themselves were not involved in the Order.
My problem is I can't even see why it might be a big point with others.
I understand and appreciate your suggestion that maybe for them it's a matter of a support system, but then I just think "Well, she has Jonas and Daniel, and possibly Tachyon and Brother as well." The first two especially are people who have stuck by her and put everything on the line for her, so she's got a support system right there that anyone would be fortunate to have.
I also imagine that if her father was still there for her after what happened in "The Unthinkable Happened" it would mean more than her birth father being there. Families are made not inherited, right?
Thanks for taking a shot, though. I wish it made sense to me, but for some reason it doesn't.
longlostposter wrote:There is also the reference Daniel made in the "Aleister Crowley" video about a girl being kidnapped in the '40's in the US (don't remember the state.) In the video, Daniel said that Crowley was considered a suspect in the kidnapping because he lived in the same town. If the same thing happened to Bree, that video has a little more credance. Other than that, it's just another one of those "WTF" videos.
That was back before the fake ceremony, wasn't it? I think quite a few things before that time were meant more for fueling speculation than giving actual hints of things to come. It would be kind of cool, though, to see them go all the way back there and doing something with it.
Onewen wrote:Lurker wrote:Could you elaborate on this a little for me, please? Do you have something specific in mind?
Oh I
KNEW you were gonna ask me that! haha...I honestly don't know...I am not the creative one who could come up with something fantastic here. I just think that it just opened up a
potential avenue for the Creators to bring some more drama/excitement into the if they ran out of ideas...
Sorry to put you on the spot like that.
Anyway, to me that sounds like it would be kind of bad. I know not everyone would agree with me, though. Of course, I'm still of the opinion that they should have known from the start what all was going to happen.
It's probably unfair of me considering how they went at this experiment, but when I think of them leaving space for something to potentially happen if they ran out of ideas, it seems like shoddy writing/creating/whatever. Running out of ideas shouldn't even be a possibility in my opinion. By this I mean everything that needs to happen should already be known and planned, with maybe some room for including the characters eating a Snicker bar during an episode if the series can get some product placement.