How Should They Investigate The Order? **Important**

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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How should they investigate?

Use Daniels Breaking and Entering skills to infiltrate the order and steal information (like Tachyon has done in the past).
Bree needs to reveal to us what she knows and they should look here on the forums for what we find. Let us get more involved!
Investigate past cases...such as Cassie. Figure out what REALLY happened to her.
My opinion. Listed Below.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

We should PM the Creators =P
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by trainer101 »

I would like three things:

1. To know what her Dad told her.
2. Access to the letter from her Mom.
3. Access to the Tachyon disc.

We need a drop! 8)
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At this point

Post by Kimmy »

I'd prefer they destroy the elements of the Order that are after Bree first, then reveal information. From Jonas' video referencing the Valentine's Day Massacre it seems most urgent to stop possible incursions from the Opists. Only when the victory is decisive would it be time to investigate the order. It would be a full revelation, not as subject to the vagaries of the changing plot.
Taking care of OpAphid would not destroy the Order, at least according to the information we currently possess. (Naturally the set of facts we now have could be entirely flipped momentarily at the whim of the writers..). Jonas, Daniel and Bree would be ending the reign of one set of leaders, but I'm assuming the Order is a hydra-headed beast that will live to fight another day.
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Re: At this point

Post by trainer101 »

Kimmy wrote:Taking care of OpAphid would not destroy the Order, at least according to the information we currently possess.
I'm assuming the Order is a hydra-headed beast that will live to fight another day.
You are absolutely correct. From what we know it appears that:
· The Order is the all-encompassing, ‘Illuminati-like’ organization.
· OpAphid (Operation A.P.H.I.D.) is one arm of the Order - the enforcement arm - not the Order in its entirety.
· Oppy (the person) is the head of OpAphid (the division) - the name was given to her by Opheads.
· The Order of Denderah is the religious faction of the Order - kind of an entry level area where the lower level members have no idea what the upper levels are involved in. While the ‘Ceremony’ takes place at this level, it appears to have a serious impact at the higher levels.
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Post by HoorayForMeImMakingOut »

trainer101 wrote:I would like three things:

1. To know what her Dad told her.
2. Access to the letter from her Mom.
3. Access to the Tachyon disc.

We need a drop! 8)
You and me both! I STILL wanna know what "no good" ment too!
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Post by Sami »

Kasdeja wrote:We should take trainer's advice and form a 'Culper Ring' of our we can team up and collectively decide the best info to put forth to Bree. Then she can acknowledge us on a video and make us feel special.
Best idea ever!
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I think they should have stuck with Tachyon and Brother... but I guess they weren't looking for new team members. :?
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

silvermoon wrote:If this were real life, I'd tell them to go to the media. Ok, so they won't go to the police, because they've been "infiltrated" (though they just can't have every cop in every city...).

But they can't have every reporter in the country in their pockets. They should bundle up all their info and send it to every media center in the US. Send that crap to the AP, ABC, CBS, NBS, Fox and the Enquirer (they'd believe them if no one else would, lol!) Get the Order some publicity. Some conspiracy theory loving reporter would jump on finding out more about this mysterious "Order".

Even if nothing came of it, maybe they'd leave Bree and co. alone, just to stay out of the media's radar.

Orrrrrrrr.....maybe they've already done this on's all really real.....and the Creators are really the Order, just trying to spin this whole thing so that we don't really help Bree. The "actors" are really just bots that they've programmed for public events to throw us all off..... :shock: :shock:
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Post by SapereAudeo »

HoorayForMeImMakingOut wrote:
trainer101 wrote:I would like three things:

1. To know what her Dad told her.
2. Access to the letter from her Mom.
3. Access to the Tachyon disc.

We need a drop! 8)
You and me both! I STILL wanna know what "no good" ment too!
This may be slightly off topic, but if Daniel was knocked out from the time he left the bowling alley, then the 'no good' becomes more of a mystery.

On topic--I wish there were an option for all three. At this point, since Bree's all empowered and such, I think it's most likely that we can start getting some answers. (I'm looking forward to that most.)
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

SapereAudeo wrote:
HoorayForMeImMakingOut wrote:
trainer101 wrote:I would like three things:

1. To know what her Dad told her.
2. Access to the letter from her Mom.
3. Access to the Tachyon disc.

We need a drop! 8)
You and me both! I STILL wanna know what "no good" ment too!
This may be slightly off topic, but if Daniel was knocked out from the time he left the bowling alley, then the 'no good' becomes more of a mystery.

On topic--I wish there were an option for all three. At this point, since Bree's all empowered and such, I think it's most likely that we can start getting some answers. (I'm looking forward to that most.)
Ew, that doesn't sit well with me. We'd better get a massive revelation soon or I'm going to go crazy and sue the Creators for triggering it.
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Post by JohnBigbootie »

I think they should turn Joan Manor into a hippie commune and live out the rest of their lives, partying and hangin out on Joans dime
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Post by RiverFleur »

I agree, Bree should just tell everyone what she knows. She can't keep it a secret for them any longer... she needs to realize they are an enemy know and just let out their deepest, darkest secrets... that will really throw them for a loop.

Bree probably has a better idea of how many people are in the Order and maybe a faint clue as to where their main base of operation is.

From there they need to go over potential plans, and every single effect of those plans (good or bad), sort of like a chart. Then they stick with the plan with the highest success rate (the one with the most 'good' outcomes). Even for that plan you must take into consideration the things that can go wrong and have at least two back up plans.

The best start I can think of is Bree telling us ALL she knows, and where their 'home base' is. Jonas, Daniel, and Bree should all have walkie-talkies and station themselves at different points around the building, remaining hidden of course. Slowly rotating around and taking in all the details, checking in with each other every once in awhile. After awhile they might get an idea of their schedual and where the best break in point would be.

At this point, they will have to be assigned jobs;
Job A- the one who will be doing the breaking in, preferably taking a weapon just in case. This person will have the video camera and film as much as they can, going into as many places as they can and looking through stuff. This person will notify 'B' of their progress.

Job B- the lookout, this person will make sure no one is coming. This person will remain hidden nearby the 'break in point', and warn 'A' if anyone is coming. This person will also let 'C' know the current situation.

Job C- Wide range lookout, and get away car driver. This person will be in the car and drive around the perimeter of the building checking in with 'B' every now and then. If 'C' notices anything suspicious, they will contact 'B' who will tell 'A' to get out. 'C' will also have to be ready to pick up 'A' and 'B' when they are all done.

This is one of many plans they could try out...
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Post by covedweller »

RiverFleur wrote:I agree, Bree should just tell everyone what she knows. She can't keep it a secret for them any longer... she needs to realize they are an enemy know and just let out their deepest, darkest secrets... that will really throw them for a loop.

Bree probably has a better idea of how many people are in the Order and maybe a faint clue as to where their main base of operation is.

From there they need to go over potential plans, and every single effect of those plans (good or bad), sort of like a chart. Then they stick with the plan with the highest success rate (the one with the most 'good' outcomes). Even for that plan you must take into consideration the things that can go wrong and have at least two back up plans.

The best start I can think of is Bree telling us ALL she knows, and where their 'home base' is. Jonas, Daniel, and Bree should all have walkie-talkies and station themselves at different points around the building, remaining hidden of course. Slowly rotating around and taking in all the details, checking in with each other every once in awhile. After awhile they might get an idea of their schedual and where the best break in point would be.

At this point, they will have to be assigned jobs;
Job A- the one who will be doing the breaking in, preferably taking a weapon just in case. This person will have the video camera and film as much as they can, going into as many places as they can and looking through stuff. This person will notify 'B' of their progress.

Job B- the lookout, this person will make sure no one is coming. This person will remain hidden nearby the 'break in point', and warn 'A' if anyone is coming. This person will also let 'C' know the current situation.

Job C- Wide range lookout, and get away car driver. This person will be in the car and drive around the perimeter of the building checking in with 'B' every now and then. If 'C' notices anything suspicious, they will contact 'B' who will tell 'A' to get out. 'C' will also have to be ready to pick up 'A' and 'B' when they are all done.

This is one of many plans they could try out...
That sounds like a boring show, and kinda cheesy.

Besides, it'd all be over way too fast. I mean, isn't LG15 going to continue for eternity? :lol:

Post by Lurker »

covedweller wrote:That sounds like a boring show, and kinda cheesy.
It might not be that bad if they didn't insist on filming all of it and showing us. Just maybe saying "This is what you're about to see, here it is, and this is what we did." One or two videos at the most.

The only issue I see with it is how they'd do it without being noticed.
covedweller wrote:Besides, it'd all be over way too fast. I mean, isn't LG15 going to continue for eternity? :lol:
Let's hope not.
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Post by PinkoLady »

I really love Kas/Trainer's Culper Ring idea. Bree needs to weed out the Aphids and let the people she can really trust know whats up, to get a wider range of input.
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