0132 - Drinking Problems [2/13/07]

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Post by Languorous Lass »

Kristin, I didn't see this thread when you originally posted it -- probably because of the title (I rarely read threads with titles like "thoughts" or "another idea"; the threads with more concrete titles are the ones that usually attract me). But you really hit on some important points back then. Very insightful. Congratulations!
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

ShardinsKitten wrote: So unless the creators know nothing of hypnosis, and are going along with hollywood's version of it, this isn't likely.
:shock: .... you're looking for REALITY in THIS place???
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Post by Nieriel.Manwathiel »

aideen wrote:OMFG


sorry, but i think Imogene is just one of several geniuses; i saw that suggestion for the video predictions.

still knocked my socks off first time i read it. :)
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Post by GatorMeegs »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
However, what I find most interesting is that Daniel says he doesn't remember anything up until the flashbang. That means he would still be in that comatose state had Tachyon not set off the flashbang. Under what condition would a bright light and large bang suddenly snap you back to life?
What is weird is that I think Daniel actually says "..the last thing I remember is this flash-bang thing..."

Wouldn't that be the FIRST thing he remembers? That last thing he remembers would have been on the other end of his ordeal (i.e. going to the bar or something). Was this just a slip in the script? Or a slip by Daniel Beast...who really never lost any memory?????
Question: Who would you rather cuddle with...Daniel or P. Monkey?
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Post by onsweetavenue »

colbertnationgirl wrote:i knew i'ld heard that theory before. well, you called it!! :wink:

(sorry, colbert report joke, couldn't help it!)
haha, cue the balloons:).
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Post by onsweetavenue »

GatorMeegs wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
However, what I find most interesting is that Daniel says he doesn't remember anything up until the flashbang. That means he would still be in that comatose state had Tachyon not set off the flashbang. Under what condition would a bright light and large bang suddenly snap you back to life?
It's probably a slip by the actor who said "last" thing I remember instead of "next thing i remember" but if it's not...

Maybe he was talking about ANOTHER flash bang?

Like "the last thing I remember is this flash bang thing...then bree yelling at me to run"

as in, they used the flash bang thing on him to get him somewhere, then blanked out until bree yelled at him to run.

Unlikely, but you know..:)
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Post by AM »

Still doesn't make sense to me, though. If OpAphid is her 'religion' then they don't need her to tell daniel things about her religion so he can tell them. They taught her and Lucy was her mentor. Oh well, lol.
Okay, here's what I meant; Bree seems to know a lot about what is going on that Daniel and Jonas and we don't know.

Right now OP does not know how much Bree knows about the Order and neither do we. All Bree has said up to this point is 'my dad told me a lot about the Order, none of it good' (paraphrasing here).

We can only guess that maybe she knows something interesting that OP would not want publicized ('some things I can't talk about, some things I won't talk about')

If Bree knows specific secrets from her father about the Order she hasn't shared them with Daniel. This frustrated many of us because we thought she owed it to Daniel and Jonas after all they'd done for her to spill what she knew.

But, let's imagine for a moment that Bree had spilled OP's closely guarded secrets to Danny B. I can very well imagine a scenario where OP might utilize the D in APHID to eliminate Dbeast just to make sure her secrets were safe.
Last edited by AM on Wed Feb 14, 2007 4:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

It's probably a slip by the actor who said "last" thing I remember instead of "next thing i remember" but if it's not...

Maybe he was talking about ANOTHER flash bang?

Like "the last thing I remember is this flash bang thing...then bree yelling at me to run"

as in, they used the flash bang thing on him to get him somewhere, then blanked out until bree yelled at him to run.

Unlikely, but you know..:)
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

onsweetavenue wrote:It's probably a slip by the actor who said "last" thing I remember instead of "next thing i remember" but if it's not...

Maybe he was talking about ANOTHER flash bang?

Like "the last thing I remember is this flash bang thing...then bree yelling at me to run"

as in, they used the flash bang thing on him to get him somewhere, then blanked out until bree yelled at him to run.

Unlikely, but you know..:)
i actually think that's not unlikely, and it's an interesting thought.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by imogene2004 »

Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
aideen wrote:OMFG


sorry, but i think Imogene is just one of several geniuses; i saw that suggestion for the video predictions.

still knocked my socks off first time i read it. :)
Yeah I wrote that on the video predictions, too. If it's the one you're thinking of, I said that Bree and Daniel were arguing and she somehow said "NO GOOD" and he spaced out back to his brainwashed state.
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Post by tayduh1987 »

ShardinsKitten wrote:And the only time you don't remember what happened while under hypnosis, is under deep deep hypnosis. Or if you choose not to remember it.
That's not true. For our graduation there were a bunch of us that were hypnotized by some guy we hired. He had them do clothed strip teases and such and they had no idea what had happened. We had to describe the whole thing to them.

Post by Lurker »

GatorMeegs wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
However, what I find most interesting is that Daniel says he doesn't remember anything up until the flashbang. That means he would still be in that comatose state had Tachyon not set off the flashbang. Under what condition would a bright light and large bang suddenly snap you back to life?
What is weird is that I think Daniel actually says "..the last thing I remember is this flash-bang thing..."

Wouldn't that be the FIRST thing he remembers? That last thing he remembers would have been on the other end of his ordeal (i.e. going to the bar or something). Was this just a slip in the script? Or a slip by Daniel Beast...who really never lost any memory?????
I really don't think the wording was meant to be picked apart like this. It only looks slightly odd when you're reading it. When you're hearing it spoken, it sounds fine (natural). Spoken language is different from written language.

Besides, depending on the context of the statement, it's not necessarily an error of any kind. If the context is "The last thing I can remember up to that time" then it's not only natural, but is actually the correct way to phrase it.
imogene2004 wrote:
Nieriel.Manwathiel wrote:
aideen wrote:OMFG


sorry, but i think Imogene is just one of several geniuses; i saw that suggestion for the video predictions.

still knocked my socks off first time i read it. :)
Yeah I wrote that on the video predictions, too. If it's the one you're thinking of, I said that Bree and Daniel were arguing and she somehow said "NO GOOD" and he spaced out back to his brainwashed state.
That seems like it would be a horrible trigger if one wanted to save it for specific purposes. It would be getting set off left and right. Daniel wouldn't even be able to watch commercials on television or ask someone how a movie was without it getting activated.

I can't imagine OpAphid not realizing that.
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Post by AM »

That seems like it would be a horrible trigger if one wanted to save it for specific purposes. It would be getting set off left and right. Daniel wouldn't even be able to watch commercials on television or ask someone how a movie was without it getting activated.

I can't imagine OpAphid not realizing that.
I was thinking the same thing.
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Post by watching_watchers »

Hm so at least Daniel seems to be doing okay. :]
I hope there not at Jonas's house..And it doesn't appear that they are since hes in a chair we've never seen before. *shrug*
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Post by AM »

I think they are at Jonas's house. Someone at the begining of this thread noted that the deck chair cushion D-man is on was used to pad Bree when she learned to skateboard and that the stucco on the house looks familiar too. Also Daniel makes some comment about it no longer being safe there.

Just makes you want to scream at your computer screen, don't it? :wink:
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