0132 - Drinking Problems [2/13/07]

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Post by tayduh1987 »

amybagofdonuts wrote:
krmurr87 wrote:oh Jonas will..he's in love with Bree he wouldn't just let her go and now that we know Daniels an alcoholic we need a "responsible adult" with her
when i read that my mind automatically thought of a storyline of jonas and bree getting together and falling in love while daniel just third wheel's it. that would be brutal and i secretly want DB & Bree to get together all ready, but the jonas scenario would but (mean)funny.
Bree and Daniel belong together!

On a more serious note I think that Daniel may have slipped information about where Jonas lives...
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Post by Seryndipity »

tayduh1987 wrote:
Seryndipity wrote:okay... after reviewing the skateboarding lesson video... they could definately be there at Jonas' house. The siding is similar enough and in one scene of the video there is a white chair and she is using the green padding for padding.
Thanks for filling in for Nikki B. lol :!:
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Post by imogene2004 »

tayduh1987 wrote:
On a more serious note I think that Daniel may have slipped information about where Jonas lives...
I'm almost certain of it! If the order could get him to say whatever they wanted him to on the "Miss Me?" video then why couldn't they get the info on where Jonas lives from him?
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Post by cosmicdancer »

Yes it is Jewelybug :D thank you!
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Post by curiousGeorge »

Probably my favorite DB vid to date, he's come a long way from being a static bed lounger... Great to hear some parental unit backstory and I think Yousef nailed this one. This was the kind of offering that made all of this so compelling in the first place.
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Post by platypusrex256 »

kellylen wrote:oh mannnn dbeast opening up to us

what does he mean by jonas is a bad influence?

and they better get out of there asap
it was just a poorly scripted monologue... he meant jonas was a bad influence for getting him to think and talk about his problems. and now his head hurts. besides, jonas doesn't drink so it doesn't make any sense to blame drinking on jonas. none.
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Post by tigxpup »

tayduh1987 wrote: Bree and Daniel belong together!
ITA :smt045
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Post by kellylen »

krmurr87 wrote:
tigxpup wrote:hey i'm a kell(i) too! haha. I want to hear from Jonas now! we really didn't get to see him in the human ransom vid that much...you really think he's in love with bree? :shock:
THATS IT we're starting a club! \:D/ :smt026 :smt035 :smt041

looks liek someone has for us!
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by Steph1636 »

awww I feel bad for Daniel! He had a troubled childhood :(
I don't think they way he said "Dr. Jonas" means that he is in the order, he's just joking. But why is it "all Jonas's fault"?
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Post by Smelltheflowers »

I still love you, Daniel :oops:

And that's why I'm so worried :(

This video just hit me really hard. It's interesting to hear Daniel open up and shed a little light into his past, but his tone was just so...melancholy and defeated.
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Post by saralynn »

Silly Daniel, drinking away your problems doesn't make you an alchy.

I'm glad he showed us a little of his homelife though, I like finding out about him. He's just too darn loveable.

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Post by Magesa »

I'm glad to see that Danielbeast is learning too.

But he's so SAD! :cry: Be happy like Bree, Daniel.

Oh... if he slipped information... that isn't good. But you may be right. We've been saying they need to leave for a long time, but now, THEY REALLY REALLY NEED TO LEAVE.

I think they will, though.

By "Dr. Jonas" and Jonas being a bad influence, I think he just meant that Jonas is kind of a psychiatrist type, and that he influenced Daniel to talk about his feelings like that, so he was joking that Jonas "was a bad influence" because it made Daniel's head hurt.

I think Jonas is just always looking out for people, and he used to think that Daniel had to get out of the house.

Of course, the people who maintain that Jonas is bad do have some good points (even though I refuse to join that camp) and this is another argument for them.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

I thought this episode was a little preachy and a bit too...i dunno, sappy? Alcohol's bad, mmkay? It's a problem, wow it really got me into a mess. But you know, it was just imitating my parents.

That explains why his parents aren't really interested in where he's been, but I dunno. I hate the whole "why did i think I could drink away my problems, I have a problem with alcohol" when we've seen him drinking all of twice.
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Post by SapereAudeo »

onsweetavenue wrote:I thought this episode was a little preachy and a bit too...i dunno, sappy? Alcohol's bad, mmkay? It's a problem, wow it really got me into a mess. But you know, it was just imitating my parents.

That explains why his parents aren't really interested in where he's been, but I dunno. I hate the whole "why did i think I could drink away my problems, I have a problem with alcohol" when we've seen him drinking all of twice.
We may have only seen him drinking twice, but the first time was drinking to excess. It doesn't really matter how much you drink, so much as the reasons why you drink. Alcoholism can be influenced by a genetic predisposition, so I'm glad that DB is making some wise decisions.
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Post by spiff5000 »

chevyfudd wrote:he said Chester Molester van how funny was that.

OMG... some people should NOT be allowed to own Photoshop. What the HELL is THAT avatar of yours?!?!? It looks like a penguin, cat and a vampires mouth in the most disturbing combination ever!

Regarding Daniel... I agree that his "bad influence" comment about Jonas is tongue-in-cheek. He's saying the defense mechanisms he had built up over time failed because Jonas has been coaxing out of his shell. He's ashamed and has a difficult time dealing with his emotions - thus he blames Jonas to mask it.

But Bree also had a hand in the "fall of Daniel". When she rejected him back in December he had to bury the rejection (again) or confront it. He wasn't prepared for either and didn't cope with the emotions. Also, he's been draining all his energy on Bree. Such as chasing her down to L.A. to save her (again) when the Order captured and killed her "Dad". Spending so many months on the road, without guidance, without a home, with no end in sight. It's all taken a toll on poor Danielbeast.

But this had to happen. At some point, the journey of the hero (ref. Odessey, King Arthur, Lord of the Rings) arrives at a place of darkness and dispare when the hero must rely on the strength of friends to survive. Now, the roles have changed and the hero has emerged with renewed energy. Bree must now take the lead and continue to journey to its end. Daniel must rest... for the journey is long.
Last edited by spiff5000 on Tue Feb 13, 2007 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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