kristin wrote:She could have been told to signal when the elevator door was just about to close, in case Tachyon couldn't see it very well...also, might have been a cue for Jonas and Daniel to shield their eyes and start running.
goood call...all in favour say "aye" lol
I think it was so Bree could slip her hand in the crack to stop the elevator door from completely shutting. Elevator doors are designed to reopen if there is a blockage, so someone is not getting squished. (not a pretty picture) Bree knowing the device did make it, shouts out Stop Wait, maybe so they think she wants to give Daniel a hug one more time, also to distract them from looking at the floor, though lucy did look to be looking down in the elevator shot. Blinded, and elevator door opened, Bree now in front of the open elevator door, calls out for Daniel, and tells him to run
The only other way for it to work is if Bree was able to sight where the open button is and reach across the area and hit it exactly while blinded... The first scenario makes more sense to me.
I don't even know what to say about this video, except that is was totally awesome! When I heard Tachyon's music come on and the name scroll across the screen I was like "Tachyon to the rescue!!"
Daniel did not seem drugged out or anything in this video, unless the survival kicked in and he snapped out of it.
What did Bree say! We need someone to read her lips, it might be important!
I have been googling La Brea Ave, Hollywood, and it is not coming up with much.
We need Nikki B. to find the building! She always find the good locations
What was Bree telling Daniel. Excuse me for saying this but I do not have time to read through 23 pages of text to see if this was asked already. Yeah, also, awesome vid, even though this means I have some catching up to do with Tach, and Op, and Brother and everyone.
I'm here hoping to work on my Mystery Solving Skills!
thelogicpuzzler wrote:What was Bree telling Daniel. Excuse me for saying this but I do not have time to read through 23 pages of text to see if this was asked already. Yeah, also, awesome vid, even though this means I have some catching up to do with Tach, and Op, and Brother and everyone.
Understand the annoyance of 23 pages. (Especially the chatty posts w/o info) The general speculation is the Bree was telling Daniel to be prepared for the flashbomb.
[quote="girlAnachronism"][quote="thelogicpuzzler"]What was Bree telling Daniel. Excuse me for saying this but I do not have time to read through 23 pages of text to see if this was asked already. Yeah, also, awesome vid, even though this means I have some catching up to do with Tach, and Op, and Brother and everyone.[/quote] Understand the annoyance of 23 pages. (Especially the chatty posts w/o info) The general speculation is the Bree was telling Daniel to be prepared for the flashbomb.[/quote]
:D Cool. Thanks. Yeah, 23 pages, no info. More annoying than my neice watching Kim Possible 24/7. :)
I'm here hoping to work on my Mystery Solving Skills!
I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth
I think the ATR in the security cameras is short for "Atruim". Most security cameras also have little texts so you can know what part of the building they're covering.
Also, What would have happened to Jonas' car if they escaped in a chopper? That would be the second car Jonas loses if I'm correct.
Finally I think they should'nt go back to Jonas' because the Order surely knows where it is... they must be on the run again.
If you look at the elevator... it says "2" on it. Most "atruim"s I know are either on the 1st floor or last floor, but I could be off.
So, I think that whoever said the thing about ATR being the military type of camera is right. After all, who else would get something like that then Tachyon?
Also, someone mentioned that the Tachyon cameras were all moving, and that's not true. Only two were, and they were both ones that were in the viewpoint of Jonas and Bree. With that said, I think Tachyon gave them cameras to attach to themsevles somewhere (that sounds so dirty...) so that they could get the action from their POV.
EDIT: The other camera moving is the one in the POV of the guy on Bree's left in the elevator, which I'm STILL convinced is brother helping out...but what do I know?
omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
i noticed that as well....after you mentioned it!
I didn't look like she was whispering anything to him to me. It just looked like her head was down while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.
omegawoman wrote:I just watched the video again, with sound! Something I noticed--Bree isn't the only one whispering sweet nothings in Daniel's ear. Looks like Lucy did too, but before Bree did.
i noticed that as well....after you mentioned it!
I didn't look like she was whispering anything to him to me. It just looked like her head was down while she was waiting for the elevator to reach the floor.
Watch it again, to me it looks like her lips are moving ever so slightly. I could be wrong though.
I'm already visualizing you with duct tape over your mouth