Um... Has anyone else notticed that in the Techy part when they are showing Bree hug Daniel it pans up and for a moment you see someones head over Bree's head... At first I assumed it was Jonas... But well.. it kinda looks like the person is wearing an eye patch.
Am I seeing things?
*fades to black*
Yeah I assumed that too, either that its just Jonas holding the camera
Um... Has anyone else notticed that in the Techy part when they are showing Bree hug Daniel it pans up and for a moment you see someones head over Bree's head... At first I assumed it was Jonas... But well.. it kinda looks like the person is wearing an eye patch.
Am I seeing things?
*fades to black*
Yeah I assumed that too, either that its just Jonas holding the camera
lol i looked and its juss jonas.. they juss darkened things thats why it looks like an eye-patch.
Um... Has anyone else notticed that in the Techy part when they are showing Bree hug Daniel it pans up and for a moment you see someones head over Bree's head... At first I assumed it was Jonas... But well.. it kinda looks like the person is wearing an eye patch.
Am I seeing things?
*fades to black*
Yeah I assumed that too, either that its just Jonas holding the camera
lol i looked and its juss jonas.. they juss darkened things thats why it looks like an eye-patch.
arghhh... jonas the pirate. lol
Not the one of the watchers?
Can anyone tell me the time of when the eye patch person comes up in the video?
i freakin' loved the new vid
when tachyon's music started, i started smilling like "here we go..."
damn the video is too great and...
jonas didnt get caught right? i mean he was the last one to climb the ladder, and the order was already climbing the stairs... but he wouldnt be like "bree, take the camera, there's no chance for me to escape" right? that would be kinda stupid...
Hello, I'm Jo.
And yeah, I'm a guy. Jo's just a nickname.
Sorry i just had to do this, when i saw that tachyon was back and had a hand in this i was so fucking stoked, SUCK ON THAT FAT ONE LUCY AND OP YOU BASTARDS.
Please excuse the flagrant profanities but i really feel like it's very much in place for this sort of "great escape"-esque video.
BOOYA, now let's just hope they all make it away from the order.
I'm not sure who does the LGpedia so I'm just gonna point this out here but
Jonas: Are you sure we can trust this guy? He’s not like… really her brother is he?
(The group reaches the top flight where a ladder leads to the roof.)
Bree: If she says we can trust him, we can trust him. I'll explain it to you later.
(Bree starts climbing the ladder)
Right as the three are reaching the top of the stairs DB says " what are we doing?" So actually Bree is talking to DB when she says "I'll explain it to you later" you can clearly see her look down to DB as she says it.
Absynth wrote:well i still dont think that looked like lucy. why would she go through the effort of the hiding her face from the camera and the dark shades in a building. ive seen her outside in the bright LA sun without them. she looked... different.
not sure if anyone replied to this for you yet...i have another 14 pages to go in reading....but perhaps she's covering the camera (and her face) now because the camera is capturing her obviously doing a ransom exchange. you wouldn't want your face on tape in the middle of a crime, would you? it's definetly lucy.
So.. I read most of and Im just going to splurge all my opinions out.
Because I have to vent, because this video was so awesome. And because there is like, probably nobody else... even in the country as addicted as me... the forum GETS IT!
-Im not 100% sure what lucy ever looked like, I never really cared about her, to be frank. But i do believe it odd that this women would attempt to hide her face if she was indeed lucy.
-I find the smirk on the bearded man HOlarious. It looks like he is about to crack up laughing.
"Wait, Stop!" is definatly Bree's voice..
-I dont understand why people think they would blank out Tachyons name when DB said it.. when it had been slandered across the video in bold writing earlier..
-I persume Bree's evil stare at 1.39 is towards Lucy her onetime friend.
-I still have no clue about the shot of Jonas' camera.. or what I suppose is his camera.
-Also, I believe that Daniels hands are untied by the time we reach 1.53 and there is the shot from the ATR 1 camera.
-Im pretty sure Bree was effected by the flash thingy, because thats what I conceive the "Daniel, Daniel.. Run!" to be.. that she is probably a little out of it at that point.
-I reckon Tachyon ran in the other direction after letting off the bomb, and that she has a different escape route..
-THEREFORE, either we are left with Lucy so close behind the main characters because the three guys were effected worse and are further behind her.. or some went after Tachyon.
-This depends on wether they saw Tachyon... because she could have run as soon as she bowled the bomb, whereas the others had to wait. Or lucy was less affected because she saw Tachyon and anticipated something.
-Oh, I hear the pause you guys are talking about now.. I dont think thats them blanking out after editing.. I think (was it Jonas talking?) jonas just paused himself.. and then when he said Brother.. he said it more as "Brother" (the name we have learnt to refer to this character as..) rather than "brother" (as in the relationship link to Tachyon)
-I dont think there is any cliffhanger here.. I see it has more, Hmm, I should probably turn the camera off now.. being chased by the crazed ravenous blonde and all...
-Also, the blonde girl, lucy or not, could have could up.. and Jonas could have used his boxing skills to soccer punch that camera shy bi-yutch. But, I just dont see sweet lil Jonas hitting a woman. so, I dont know what happened there..
Isnt Bree STILL annoying!
Jonas is all, "Go, Go, Go, Go!"
and Bree is all, yakkity yak yak.
I'll just take my sweet time climbing up this ladder.
She's endangering (thats spelt wrong, right?) her two friends.. because it looks like there would be no way even DANIEL would make it up that ladder without the blonde catching up!
But, saying that. I believe they did.
So, yes.
Thats what I have to say..
Nothing new i suppose, just venting as I said.
Edit: Learnted lol
Last edited by heybitch on Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Watching it again for the 3rd time now, seriously when i saw the aeroplane coming in, i was so excited, tachyon has really captured the very essence of badass lone wolf with her vids, this shit was genius, tachyon getting back just in time to f**k the order up old school.
kristin wrote:It was hard for me to see exactly when the door shut and how it coordinated with her yell -- but aren't elevators somewhat soundproofed? Would we have heard her so clearly if it was sealed shut? If it really was closed, then maybe the cue was more for Jonas and Daniel's sakes.
elevators? soundproofed? what the hell kinda elevators have you been on? that's the only way i know the elevator is coming to my floor...when i can hear the voices of the people on it getting nearer.
i just caught something. maybe lgpedia is wrong. maybe jonas just paused and they didn't "bleep" out tachy's name. because if you notice, you can still hear their feet on the stairs during that pause in what jonas was saying. its virtually impossible to bleep out jonas's voice and still keep their feet noises with a simple camcorder.
maybe what he said was "are you sure we can trust this guy? i mean he's not like, really, brother, is he?"
as in, he's not brother. there's a new guy in the story now.
i dunno....maybe. they could've also overlayed nat sound from another part of the tape so it wasn't a jolting bleep of tachy's name. it's just not clear to me.
Ok, so i dont have time right now to read all of the pages...but
OMG so awesome! lol. I was about to cry then I heard Tachyon's music and I seriously had to cover my mouth to keep from waking my roommate up I was so excited.
Yeah, just couldn't wait to read through all these pages! OMG!!!! BEST VID EVER! Lovin' the crossover of tachy! wooohooo! Now back to reading the many pages.
OMG! Best video yet! Does that mean that Tachyon's with them? She helped Daniel edit the video?? But how does Brother get into this?? And how did Bree get out of the elevator??