Absynth wrote:well i still dont think that looked like lucy. why would she go through the effort of the hiding her face from the camera and the dark shades in a building. ive seen her outside in the bright LA sun without them. she looked... different.
also i am not too sure jonas fights as well as some of may think. he may be an excellent boxer, but then again he may reallly be a sissy-boy, who knows. plus, the order has guns, i dont know how willing theyd be to fire them off in a hotel or office building, but who knows to thatas well. daniel uploaded the vid, and i know when im making a fast getaway climbing upp a ladder, i like to have two free hands, so i woulda handed it off to someone on the roof already.
flash grenades are designed to be non lethal and stun the target in a 3-5m area. if one is prepared, there is a chance they would have a quicker recovery to the initial disorentation. they cause an intense flashe of light, which, even with closed eyes, can blind someone for up to a minute. plus an loud bang to disrupt hearing and generally cause confusion.
the blonde (im assuming its lucy cuz that seems to be the general concensus, but im still unsure) recovered fast enough to give close chase. the watchers in the eleveator and the deacon were not seen after the flash. perhaps they were stunned long enough not to be able to intervene so perhaps jonas did get away, but if they recovered in time and were a flight below the blonde, we may have lost jonas.
of course theres also the possibility that jonas meant to get caught and has simply been observing bree and getting close to her on the Orders behalf (they did it to Brother, why not send an op in to spy closely on D and B?)
sorry for the long winded post, but theres things i still am examining in the video that make me ask questions
interesting points. i wasn't sure what the flash grenade was exactly. and why did it not affect bree? she was in the elevator, right? i guess she was prepared for it, but still.
also, lucy was a tag for the video so i have a feeling it was lucy.
and why did bree say "wait" ? just to hug daniel? i didn't understand that.
edited to say:
la BREA ave??? coincidence?
"Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
-- V For Vendetta <3