**Spoiler Warning** I wanted to throw in some observations on the latest clues from Prof Boone, in the hopes of getting some feedback. If you still wanted to work out where these were for yourself, please don't read any further.
"It is not Impossible": I took this as a reference to Mission Impossible, probably to get us to visit the HSAO Mission page. Two clues left there by Cedric, along with the statement that he has an assignment for us. On the Assignments page, four more clues were left along with the statement "I'll keep pulling things together." Should we read anything unusual into that last statement, other than we can expect more information in the future?
I am busy organizing, but I have not been in my office. Not sure if this is as simple as telling us he's left us those clues about Sage Nine, or if it's something more. I looked around in the office and didn't see anything new since last night, so that would be consistent.
"I will give you a deadline soon, and I will let you know my deadline." Hmmm... repeated the word twice. Some significance to "deadline?" Is it maybe a reference back to his previous post about reading between the lines -- where the hidden URL was? Something else?
"Yours in defiance," I'm worried about the open defiance. Tiko has demonstrated that they don't respond well to defiance in any flavor, open or otherwise.
The players: Sage Nine is W.R. ...anyone recognize these initials? Does E.D. refer to the Executive Director? Check out the funky way ED makes his/her W's

... seems almost deliberate.
re: the codename Sage Nine... nine might refer to the nine necessary topics of study listed on the memo titled "Potentially Hazardous Knowledge." It's supposed to be "Close enough to be clever. Far enough from the truth, but all-encompassing..." Or maybe there are nine members on Tiko's board of directors? Just wildly guessing on that one. I'm puzzled by the long version of the name... "Sage Nine Till It ... or Sage Nine (for short)." An anagram maybe?
The four objectives left on the Assignments page seem to be in keeping with the first topic of study; propaganda and psychological warfare. I'm not sure what the numbering system on them means... 1/7, 2/7, etc. Perhaps it's "one of seven, two of seven..." suggesting that there are three more in a series of seven objectives for that topic that we haven't seen yet? And they appear to be exerting objective 1/7 on Ms Kelly at the moment -- i.e. subjection to stress and fatigue -- by tossing her in the water for a few days.
Anything else? Any different interpretations?