0124 - "Looking for Daniel" [1/29/07]

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Post by aideen »

nobackspacebutton wrote:O.O thanks for answering everyones..thoughts and questions..Aideen. O.O
Lol, sorry I make such huge posts everyone. It's just, I usually come on when there's already 20 pages or so, so all the stuff builds up and I really don't want to double post because some people really don't like that
silvermoon wrote: Maybe Bree's account was hacked and someone editted something out of it? Of course, then why would they have left it black instead of just cutting it off earlier...
I think that's probably the best theory. The only other one that would make sense was if they just messed up; and that's nowhere near as exciting :/
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

aideen wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:O.O thanks for answering everyones..thoughts and questions..Aideen. O.O
Lol, sorry I make such huge posts everyone. It's just, I usually come on when there's already 20 pages or so, so all the stuff builds up and I really don't want to double post because some people really don't like that
Yeah, I just didn't think I had ever seen so many peoples thoughts replied to in one post before. lol.

I know what it feels like to come on to 26 pages. @.@ God.

I feel like they should always release a video during the daytime, that way more people can view it...rather than uploading it at night, but..i guess this is where we realise these people really do have DAY JOBS and their only free time IS at night.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

I still don;t like the "Hacked Account" idea... I don;t know why.. I feel there is something to that darkness.. Maybe even something IN it...

Does anyone out there have the ability and know how to disect that last few seconds and see if there is any audio in it??? :?
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Post by emerrs11 »

itsreallyreal wrote:I still don;t like the "Hacked Account" idea... I don;t know why.. I feel there is something to that darkness.. Maybe even something IN it...

Does anyone out there have the ability and know how to disect that last few seconds and see if there is any audio in it??? :?
I was going to try copying the blackness and then negative it and see if anything showed up. But the darn iBook doesn't let me do that. Tartar sause.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

My Fuzzy Scarf wrote:o_o;; You know what would seriously suck?! If that dude was Bree's DAD! And he was with the Order the whole time! And the whole murder was to distract our heroes and put down their defenses! And he led Daniel away! ;__;

Okay, yeah, now that I type it out it's *really* out there but...you never know.
That actually is a cool idea. It would be truly unexpected, IMO.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

emerrs11 wrote:
itsreallyreal wrote:I still don;t like the "Hacked Account" idea... I don;t know why.. I feel there is something to that darkness.. Maybe even something IN it...

Does anyone out there have the ability and know how to disect that last few seconds and see if there is any audio in it??? :?
I was going to try copying the blackness and then negative it and see if anything showed up. But the darn iBook doesn't let me do that. Tartar sause.
Has ANYONE tried any other Technical ideas with that blank space??? It's just TOO well "placed" in there... :?
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by silvermoon »

Anyone have the technology to do that?

Wouldn't it be completely weird if all the answers were in that 4 seconds of blackness and we just skipped over it?

There's probably a pic of Daniel tied up and gagged in a chair in there somehwhere!

Eeek! :shock:
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

I'm downloading a free trail of Paint Shop Pro right now...but I don't think I'll be able to find anything..it just looks..like black.
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by itsreallyreal »

I would look for REALLY quiet audio or something to be honest...
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

I don't have anything for audio..o.o
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by itsreallyreal »

I have no clues to offer you... But I know how to download if you're offering!!!
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Post by Kanazaka »

Yeah, I was a bit disappointed by the black space at the end, but it was probably just an editing decision (that went on for a bit too long). Still, nice footage of the cars on the highway, backed by cool, mood-appropriate music. As for my interpretation of "No Good"? I'm not sure. I don't know if Daniel's smart enough to have intended that as an alphanumeric code (such as a phone number, which it's too short for anyway), so here are my rather limited guesses:

1. Tracking me down would do you "no good", because my captor has me by a tight leash.

2. It's "no good" for me to try to contact you, because I'm under constant surveillance (or, the reception's bad, and this is all he could send out before his phone quit on him)

3. My captor is up to "no good".
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Post by spiff5000 »

Just how many bowling alleys do you think are within 50 miles of Ukiah? People that drive into the city for a Costco run, watch a movie, hit some "pins and pints" - in other words, regular customers are considered "locals".
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