Mirage wrote:Human looking robots. My worst ever fear is being on a ride at an amusement park like "Pirates of the Carribbean" or something and it breaking down and me having to walk through the moving, talking robots. GAH. I just got a shuddery feeling down my back typing it.
That's a weird one! I went through a wax museum this summer and that freaked me out. I was waiting for one of them to actually move. The torture area was the worst! I kept picturing Vincent Price's movie.
Alysaface wrote:i'm terrified of heights, feet, drinking out of a drink after i left the room that it was in (i get scared bugs might go in it), germs, driving over bridges, having to get in/be around water that you can't see through (i avoid oceans) spiders, nails scratching a chalkboard, the dark, and frogs & lizards. ughhhhhh i hate amphibans.
um yeah i'm scared of alot of stuff.
cassie's in my crunk.
1. I'm scared of heights if I have no control. (i.e. if there is no parachute on my back) skyrides and the ferris wheel TERRIFY me.
2. the drink thing bothers me to a certain degree....I put water in a cup at night and I often envision drinking a spider! Aghhhhh!
3. I overcame the deep water to some degree after snorkeling, but that first look underwater is torture. The darker and darker shade of blue is still very scary to me.
4. Scared of the dark too, from watching horror flicks at a very young age.
Hey, I'm working on cramming all comments into one post just for you.