Nikki Bower

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Post by mergirl »

Killthesmiley wrote:how many threads are there now about this?????????
This is why I asked for a link if there was one - I assumed it was covered and with all the topics on hand I had missed bad :?
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Post by mergirl »

Lurker wrote:
watermelonhead wrote:she's probably an official character. she's too good looking to be a fan.
That was a major compliment to Nikki (well warranted, of course) and a major putdown on the rest of us. XD

Anyway, I think she'll probably end up being canon before all is said and done. I don't know if she has been from day one, but I'd be disappointed and a little surprised if she didn't end up becoming so. It would certainly make sense. If all this stuff was actually happening to a couple of vloggers, I can't imagine there wouldn't be a reporter (or two; or three) following it this intensely.
There has to be at least a couple of attractive people on here :wink:

I'm with you on the "I'd be disappointed" if she weren't a seed of doubt is the quality of the video...all the other canons had the expensive cam look straight of the bat...her not so much.

But here's hoping Nikki's on payroll!
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Post by Killthesmiley »

alright..jsut to add to this discussion
i just checked out the niki bower myspace page...
check out the photos

pretty damn professional done don't you agree???
but check this out...(look at the backgound)

niki b - ... 7385_l.jpg

Jess Rose ... 2805_l.jpg

pretty similar...not sure if they are the same....but similar...

heres the thing...
all of the girls on LG have similar phtographs, taken in the same signature style...yousef has a couple tat are similar..but not many
but all the girls are following the guidelines.
If you have to opertunity..check out Jessica's Jackie's and Niki B's head shots...
all very very very similar.

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Post by mergirl »

Killthesmiley wrote:alright..jsut to add to this discussion
i just checked out the niki bower myspace page...
check out the photos

pretty damn professional done don't you agree???
but check this out...(look at the backgound)

niki b - ... 7385_l.jpg

Jess Rose ... 2805_l.jpg

pretty similar...not sure if they are the same....but similar...

heres the thing...
all of the girls on LG have similar phtographs, taken in the same signature style...yousef has a couple tat are similar..but not many
but all the girls are following the guidelines.
If you have to opertunity..check out Jessica's Jackie's and Niki B's head shots...
all very very very similar.
There is no doubt Nikki B. is an actress (since those are headshots). I was just wondering if she's on the LG team or an actress thinking she'll jump on the LG bandwagon...but I'm about 99.9% she's on the team. And I agree the photography style is quite similar!
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Post by Broken Kid »

Here's one reason to doubt that she is canon: she's posted all over the LG15 message board, including in the Video Discussion and Plot Discussion threads. None of the other characters did that. Most don't even post in the in-character threads.

So if she has been canon since the start, they're changing the rules. That doesn't mean they can't bring her into the fold, though...
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Post by gogo »

I'll say it once and I'll say it again (actually, I've probably said this about six times in all the NikkiBower threads), I like NikkiBower being "one of the people." If she is part of the production, I hope she can remain the way she is to form a bridge between viewers and the show. (You know, in the way people stated that Gemma was "the voice of the forum.")
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

Nikki, next mission..

Take off Jonas' shirt and check for a bug. Make sure to get it on camera..

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Post by betz28 »

GoodGollyItsHolly wrote:Nikki, next mission..

Take off Jonas' shirt and check for a bug. Make sure to get it on camera..


holly you crack me up....thats funny!

k, i want nikki to be canon :)
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Post by lonelyelendi »

Edited myself.
Last edited by lonelyelendi on Sat Dec 30, 2006 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gogo »

who else but Holly wrote:Nikki, next mission..

Take off Jonas' shirt and check for a bug. Make sure to get it on camera..
Must talk of Jonas always lead to some shamefully lustful behavior?

Nevermind, don't respond. I already know the answer :wink: .

I just love the :smt018. It's so cute and scolding.
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

I really like Nikki whether she is canon or not and her posting regularly in the forums is cool! The main actors could learn from her and should post more! Interactions = better times for sure. 8)
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Post by lonelyelendi »

I agree, and she isn't too hard on the eyes either!
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

lonelyelendi wrote:I agree, and she isn't too hard on the eyes either!
Isn't that the truth yo. Smokin hot (sizzle) :wink:
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.

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Post by lonelyelendi »

Nikki, if you read this...I may be taken and unable to act on it, but you are still very attractive, and I hope that one day you will be on my local news, so I can say "I knew her when..."
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »


Nikki is a serious journalist, shes not here to get "picked up" thank you very much! :)
Im sorry; you must have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Anastasia Beaverhousen.
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