cassie/loveline/ tachyon???

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cassie/loveline/ tachyon???


Forgive me if this is way off base and not the right place to ask this..but WAAAYY back in the CiW days wasn't there something to do with a call in from Cassie to Loveline ? or did I imagine this ?

If so could that have anything to do with what is going on now??

If not, forgive my questioning as I am a VERY casual Tachyon/Op participant.... just something nibbling the back of my mind...

Thanks for your time reading this and letting me know I am not crazy .ie-that something on those terms did happen ...
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Post by Luv2Luvem »

You are not crazy. :wink: There was a Loveline call on Cassie's phone at one time. However, OpAphid took credit for this "communication problem." Ie: they jacked Cassie's phone. The video where they take credit is Disclosure: Cassie. We Are "They"
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Re: cassie/loveline/ tachyon???

Post by tigerlilylynn »

LONGTIMELURKER wrote:Forgive me if this is way off base and not the right place to ask this..but WAAAYY back in the CiW days wasn't there something to do with a call in from Cassie to Loveline ? or did I imagine this ?

If so could that have anything to do with what is going on now??

If not, forgive my questioning as I am a VERY casual Tachyon/Op participant.... just something nibbling the back of my mind...

Thanks for your time reading this and letting me know I am not crazy .ie-that something on those terms did happen ...
Here's PCXLs vid with the audio
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Thank you to both of you! I thought I had imagined it! :)
The difference between Bree and Sarah is this ....

Bree- Classicly Beautiful/sweet/ "pure"/Vogue

Sarah-Modern Day HOT/ naughty/"dirty"/Penthouse