Annabelle wrote:I have a feeling that this video made Cassie fans collectively org.. well, I have a feeling it made Cassie fans very, very happy.

'nuff said

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Annabelle wrote:I have a feeling that this video made Cassie fans collectively org.. well, I have a feeling it made Cassie fans very, very happy.
iamcool wrote:*counting to 10, trying to stay calm*Cassie_xx wrote:When Bree phones the number with the dry cleaner voice mail, she mumbles the phone number.
Maybe it's significant?
i suggest u read the 1st 10 pages of this thread darling
Umm, probably stating the obvious, but... a version of this is exactly what happened. In Bree's first call, she asks for her aunt and gets put on hold. <snaps fingers> Mystery solved!Luv2Skydive wrote:Well, maybe Bree's aunt put her on hold.avian_firefly wrote:anybody got theories for aunt and hold?iamcool wrote:and whats up with the tags in this vid? ... why simian, aunt and hold? they weren't mentioned in the whole think where they?
here is the message page four of thread i think...if ya wanna read about itAnnabelle wrote:Hmm, where in the video is this message from Bree's father? Her mumbling a phone number? I missed all of that.
Um, Caller ID Block disguises where you're calling from, not who you are.Annabelle wrote: I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?
Uh, since when? The point of caller ID block is that their caller ID will not show.. the ID.. of the caller. As in who's calling. As in.. their name..SharpI wrote:Um, Caller ID Block disguises where you're calling from, not who you are.Annabelle wrote: I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?
I think that was only after the Manson thing, though.Scalare wrote:I'm fairly confident that OpAphid has been canon from the beginning. You see, the creators never actively denied that OpAphid was canon. They actively denied that Cassie was canon, though.
I don't know if that would really fit. CiW was introduced on Sep. 12 and OpAphid was introduced just 12 days later. The "end" of CiW didn't effectively come until some time in October, I think. It's hard to say. It died with a whisper, really. The last video for that matter didn't come out until October 10 (3 CiW videos came out after OpAphid's introduction, while 4 OpAphid videos came out in total before CiW's final video).Scalare wrote:I am also fairly (>75%) confident that cassie was a failed project, and created by the same PM's as those which PM Opaphid right now. Somewhere along the end of cassie there must have been a talk between the cassie creators and the LG15 creators, effectively signing a deal to make an LG15 ARG.
thanks, i did read the thread. all of it.Absynth wrote:ty for relaying my little transcript for me, it amazes me how some poeple dont read a thread before they ask qeustions that have been answered a dozen timesLurker wrote:She's asking as though she's repeating a question they asked her. Just before that she says "Excuse me? Ohh umm...". And then notice that "Uhhh" look she gets on her face right after, as though she's trying to think of some way to answer.JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:ItsCassie said the Order has something happening the 22nd, actually.
But ItsCassie = mousegirl. I'm almost positive.
Anyway, she asks someone "How'd the Ceremony go?".. which seems to imply that the ceremony already occurred and Bree knows about it.. it went on without her? And why then, does the Order still want her?
edit:see my post last page
edited again cuz i can spell
goooooooodddddd movie.iamcool wrote:btw, has anyone seen anger management with adam sandler in it?
well in that his girlfriend thinks he is too soft and doesnt let his anger out properly, so they do this big plan from people all over usa to make him think he is really having the expierience when everyone he is talking to ha been told to say it to try and get him to vent his frustrations better.
now to my point...
maybe this has all been set up for bree to be able to stand on her own two feet? her parents know she has been in her house for like almost all of the last few years and without getting out so she will not have the life skills to survive in the world on her own but this will be a perfect way to learn!
the watchers are making sure nothing are going wrong aswell!
i know its farfetched, but i think it seems kinda logical