0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by TOSG »

I'd take these journal articles on Dissociative Identity Disorder with a grain of salt; there's huge disagreement among psychiatrists/psychologists over the nature of the disorder and even whether it truly exists. It certainly could be a possible plot point, but I don't think that "real life" information is going to shed too much light on it.
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Post by ericski »

this video is, as has been said, is a pivotal moment for this show. i know i'm late to the party. i could have posted sooner but i read everything first. whew.
i like the taped message. i like the idea that her dad left it a long time ago, but it doesn't make sense for a meeting, unless he is somewhere getting the word that she called.
i like the bree=cassie thing. maybe bree was chosen because of this.
i like that jonas is not in bree's videos for the reasons given regarding daniel and our desire to not have him even appear to be replaced.
and i like that someone said 20 pages in "hey, someone should call" tho not proper forum protocol, it was funny in a way. like donny in the big lebowski.
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Post by sparkybennett »

arammat wrote:
house wrote:That message was...interesting.

Why would her father have to say: "Bree...this is your dad."? Wouldn't Bree *know* her father's voice. I realize they've been separated for a few weeks, but I think I'd remember my father's voice. If anything, I'm wondering if the Order is putting her dad up to leaving this message, in an effort to get Bree back.
Don't you just say who you are when you leave a message for somebody, though? I mean, I do. If I call one of my kids and get their voicemail, I always say, "It's Mom," before I leave my message. It's automatic.
I do the same.
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Post by sparkybennett »

TOSG wrote:I'd take these journal articles on Dissociative Identity Disorder with a grain of salt; there's huge disagreement among psychiatrists/psychologists over the nature of the disorder and even whether it truly exists. It certainly could be a possible plot point, but I don't think that "real life" information is going to shed too much light on it.
I know I know, it's just fun if you think you have actually figured something out.
There are so many unanswered questions. If we could say "yes , Bree has temp. Lobe epilepsy, and a personality disorder and she is Cassie !" how cool would that be?

edited to say that I promise not to post any more links to vague psychiatric journal articles anymore, I promise!
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Re: wow

Post by Luv2Skydive »

oleandereyes wrote:edit: OH MY GOD! i called the reverse number....AMAZING!

sorry about the stupidity, i hadnt read through everything yet.
Don't apologize...not everyone has the time. It's quicker for me to find it and just post the page number. I'm working on improving my karma ever since I posted a picture showing the similiarities between Daniel and Telly off of Sesame Street. :)
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

kalli182 wrote::-k I have been wondering.... if u guys are right and bree has this split personality disorder and temporal lobe epilepsy :smt119 :smt119 ....that would make for an awesome storyline with some crazy-Bree action! :smt014 . I believe it could really challenge Jessica as an actress and be a real make or brake situation for her acting career. This storyline has potential for excellent viewing. :smt026
I would love that too....and the Creators can still keep their PG rating without losing creativity and the Oh sh*t factor we all love!
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Re: wow

Post by sparkybennett »

Luv2Skydive wrote:
oleandereyes wrote:edit: OH MY GOD! i called the reverse number....AMAZING!

sorry about the stupidity, i hadnt read through everything yet.
Don't apologize...not everyone has the time. It's quicker for me to find it and just post the page number. I'm working on improving my karma ever since I posted a picture showing the similiarities between Daniel and Telly off of Sesame Street. :)
and on that note I will laugh myself away from the computer
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

sparkybennett wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:
sparkybennett wrote:
maybe her parents were going to force her to have a temporal lobectomy to treat her temporal lobe epilepsy.

According to a study here http://www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2651.htm,
" Dissociation [ dissociative identity disorder] is more frequently found in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy than in any other neurologic disorder"
this supports the whole Bree= Cassie theory.
I like the track we're on but we need some kind of confirmation that we have something. I found a link but can't view the entire article. :evil:

http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/cgi/con ... 38/10/1311
It seems well documented that temporal lobe epileptic patients have a high incidence of personailty disorders.
There is an interesting Gerschwind Syndrome that even mentions "hyperreligiousity" as a symptom. Definitely made me think of Bree .
"It is estimated that between 30-50% of epileptics have significant psychiatric difficulties. The incidence of psychosis and mood disorders is high in this population and personality disturbance is also more common than in the general population. Epileptics are at greater risk of developing schizophrenia particularly those with temporal lobe epilepsy. Personality disturbance is also more common in the group with focal temporal lobe seizures. "http://www.ncl.ac.uk/nnp/teaching/disor ... nepil.html
What if Bree was being homeschooled because of her condition and her parents sent her to school to see how she'd do and it didn't go well so that's why she's being homeschooled again.
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Post by avian_firefly »

did anyone else giggle when she mentioned Cassie? I thought I was going to fall out ofmy chair with the "I'm watching" line. I also thought Frank might be uncle Franklin until i remembered his name was Francis.
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Post by Vintage_Angel »

Ok, I just got to this forum, and I didn't take the time to read everyone's post so I don't know if this was said already. Has anyone seen the newest Nikki Bower vid? I just watched it. And it was pretty intersting. She found Gemma and Lucy.

And that Cassie thing is kinda werid, but at least it explains a lot.
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Re: wow

Post by Luv2Skydive »

sparkybennett wrote:
Luv2Skydive wrote:
oleandereyes wrote:edit: OH MY GOD! i called the reverse number....AMAZING!

sorry about the stupidity, i hadnt read through everything yet.
Don't apologize...not everyone has the time. It's quicker for me to find it and just post the page number. I'm working on improving my karma ever since I posted a picture showing the similiarities between Daniel and Telly off of Sesame Street. :)
and on that note I will laugh myself away from the computer
It WAS funny...and I'll do anything for a laugh....but I am rethinking my decision on whether or not I really want to come back at the long nose hair that you have to keep plucking. :wink:
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

avian_firefly wrote:did anyone else giggle when she mentioned Cassie? I thought I was going to fall out ofmy chair with the "I'm watching" line. I also thought Frank might be uncle Franklin until i remembered his name was Francis.
Creators: *crapping themselves because they forgot Frank's name was Francis and not Franklin*
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Post by arammat »

wintermute wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:'mute, I understand why you might be getting frustrated. I'm a non-Op follower, though, and I think these new developments -- clues and phone messages -- are pretty cool. I'm glad there are Op-followers around who know immediately how to handle messges like these.
Oh, I'm frustrated with a lot more than OpA right now. To me, this video was nothing more than a great big "F*** You" to the CiW followers :(

You know 'mute, I followed CiW pretty religiously into Second Life until things just seemed to sputter out. And I have to say that I don't think that this is in any way meant as an FU to the CiW fans. I think it ties up lose ends and makes a plausible explanation for reason behind the whole adventure (and you KNOW you had fun:). I kinda felt like by bringing Cassie up again, they were giving a nod to all the ARGers who had been so active with CiW, which I thought was kind of cool.

I guess it's all how you look at it.
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Post by iamcool »

how creepy is the new itscassie vid :shock:
it has the CiW, i was here thing at the end
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Post by arammat »

iamcool wrote:
wintermute wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:'mute, I understand why you might be getting frustrated. I'm a non-Op follower, though, and I think these new developments -- clues and phone messages -- are pretty cool. I'm glad there are Op-followers around who know immediately how to handle messges like these.
Oh, I'm frustrated with a lot more than OpA right now. To me, this video was nothing more than a great big "F*** You" to the CiW followers :(

i dont think the creators are stupid enuf to do that coz they know it would make a lot of the veterans leave, if u stick around for abit i'm sure u wont feel like that anymore :D
'mute's been around since the beginning of time :)
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