(Someone has to prove we aren't crazy

The general criticism has been similar to the following:
I concede that Both of those things are true.1. When you watch the video, it sounds NOTHING like denderah. I mean DUDE, she obviously says "Gecko," "Jethro," or something like that!
2. Just because the tag says "Denderah" doesn't tell us anything! There are COUNTLESS tags that have nothing to do with the videos. If anything, that tag is there to confuse us.
Yes, in full speed she does sound like she is saying "Gecko." But when Bree argues, she talks incredibly fast. and to add to this, Daniel is yelling OVER her when she says the phrase in question.
If you listen to a clip of their argument in slow-motion, the three syllables of the word "Denderah" become clearer. and you are better able to isolate what she says from what Daniel says.
You can download a clip of them in slow-mo here. (click on "free!")
http://rapidshare.de/files/33853969/ord ... 2.wav.html
This tag is a little different from tags like "cephalopod" and "scimitar." When the video first hit youtube, the tag "Denderah" was NOT included. Approximately 30 minutes after the video was posted...the tag was added...as an afterthought.
There's reason to believe that the creators saw the confusion on the Forums about what she actually said, and, thus, posted the new tag.
of course, there's no proof that the creators had this in mind...but, you must admit, it's a very real possibility....given the strange lag
There you have it! That's what we are all thinking.