I think the "flatmates" are a metaphor for the internet community.
"Inability to load a dishwasher": Failure to understand the real clues and getting caught up in lots of trivia. Putting things in the wrong place, etc.
"too particular about how I do things": A comment about all of the complaints ...
Search found 7 matches
- Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:07 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0081 An Awkward Silence [11/23/06]
- Replies: 78
- Views: 8069
- Wed Oct 25, 2006 2:31 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0057 I Listened To Daniel [10/24/06]
- Replies: 210
- Views: 19677
- Wed Oct 25, 2006 12:25 pm
- Forum: Plot Discussion
- Topic: Pills and shots
- Replies: 39
- Views: 4767
I've not seen anyone mention this, though I may have just missed it. What if the shots are some poison that she is being administered so as to develop an immunity. I'm particularly thinking snake venom. Snakes figure prominately in Egyptian mythology (Ra was bitten by a venomous snake). The Dendera ...
- Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:41 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0048 - Aleister Crowley (10/11/2006)
- Replies: 107
- Views: 14383
- Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:17 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0048 - Aleister Crowley (10/11/2006)
- Replies: 107
- Views: 14383
I noted some comments about the timeline of the article. He says the article is from the 1940's, not that it is about events in the 1940's. It could be an article written years later about a mysterious, unresolved disappearance. So, I would not immediately discount it because of the timeline. Yes ...
- Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:20 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: "Where Are They Going?" [10-01-06]
- Replies: 124
- Views: 17833
Re: cameras and stuff
Well, just because that's what's really there (I assume you've been there) doesn't mean that's what is there in the story. I mean, if they're shooting there, couldn't it just be a "set" essentially? Plus, like I said the offices I was talking about often don't have any signage...so there could be ...
- Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:45 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: "Where Are They Going?" [10-01-06]
- Replies: 124
- Views: 17833
Is it a security camera?
Are we sure this is a security camera? My first impression was that it was a flood light socket with the bulb removed. The resolution is not the greatest, but the shape appears to taper out and the cord is pretty large for a video cable.