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by Sam fan
Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:41 pm
Forum: Her Religion
Topic: Aleister Crowley: relevant element or moot & dead ended?
Replies: 6
Views: 1152

Sam fan, you've got to be on to SOMETHING! The newest video mentions another Kuttner story and character - Dark World , so either the connection is through Kuttner or TO Kuttner, I dunno!

What other things can we posit here?

Thank you for sparking that thread of convo, Diane ~ you're awesome. :D ...
by Sam fan
Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:32 pm
Forum: Her Religion
Topic: Aleister Crowley: relevant element or moot & dead ended?
Replies: 6
Views: 1152

You know, I'm not sure if he's relevant anymore or not. I tend to think he must be, since, as you say, there was the picture on Bree's wall and there's the quote making the the connection to the Hymn of One on their website . I hadn't really thought about one degree of separation though (and I just ...
by Sam fan
Thu Jul 12, 2007 9:31 pm
Forum: Her Religion
Topic: Aleister Crowley: relevant element or moot & dead ended?
Replies: 6
Views: 1152

Aleister Crowley: relevant element or moot & dead ended?

In the "Video" section thread for "I'm Here To Help", Samara nailed Spencer's reference to a character in a Kuttner book.

Kuttner is related to Crowley by one degree of separation and this seemed possibly significant, so I posted this in the aforemnetioned thread:

Wow! Good call, Samara! =D ...
by Sam fan
Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:17 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0228 - "I'm Here To Help" [07/09/07]
Replies: 105
Views: 6199

THis is the book that SPencer references, BTW...not a terrible well known book, unless you're familiar with old school sci-fi novels.

Wow! Good call, Samara! =D>

Being a sci-fi geek myself, I know that the author, Henry Kuttner, was one of the authors/fans who was in touch with H.P. Lovecraft ...
by Sam fan
Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:44 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0227 - "All Wet" [07/06/07]
Replies: 159
Views: 9117

I just got through reading over most of this, and I really like the things KellyLyn said. People will complain about anything and everything... ...
Including complaining about people complaining. :lol: Anything can get out of balance -- having to making everything positive is as toxic to healthy ...
by Sam fan
Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:53 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0225 - "Dude Back Off" [07/04/07]
Replies: 102
Views: 6224

Sarah's use of physical intimacy as a subistitute for the emotional intimacy she fears due to abandonment issues .... wasn't that hammered home adorably in "Everybody does it"...13 videos ago?.

Yup. And I said the same thing then. And predicted this behavior pattern. It's like watching my own ...
by Sam fan
Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:50 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0225 - "Dude Back Off" [07/04/07]
Replies: 102
Views: 6224

Sarah's use of physical intimacy as a subistitute for the emotional intimacy she fears due to abandonment issues .... wasn't that hammered home adorably in "Everybody does it"...13 videos ago?

:roll: Sorry... I usually don't mind filler terribly but this one was dull as stone.
by Sam fan
Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:21 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0225 - "Dude Back Off" [07/04/07]
Replies: 102
Views: 6224

I'd like to have the 1:45 it took from my life to watch that BACK, please! :smt078
by Sam fan
Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:15 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0223 - "Look Back" [07/02/07]
Replies: 168
Views: 12213

:smt015 :smt015 :smt015 wha ?! :shock: Oh! Yes! It would be really cool if er.. er.. something happened... :smt017
by Sam fan
Sun Jul 01, 2007 2:55 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

Spencer will be informed, via audio file, of his dad's last phone call, and will want to vindicate him.
Well, that's a good idea but his reaction in his vlog was pretty wry...
Spencer: "Yes, I saw the video with you and my dad's "friend." (Sarcastically) Go, Dad. Just kidding. (sighs)"
http://www ...
by Sam fan
Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:15 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

If Spencer is so brilliant then it's a waste of brain power to work at a cosmetics company making skin cream for teenagers, when he could be discovering how to cure genetic diseases or something like that.
From one perspective, I see what you mean...

But it could also be a really good cover for ...
by Sam fan
Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:51 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

Luminous wrote: He inspires me to run out and buy Neutrogena® Illuminating Whip Moisturizer SPF 20 which delivers ultra light hydration for luminous skin! (Plus, the whip sounds like fun - bet Taylor would get into this ;))
:smt042 :smt043 :smt042 :smt043 :smt042 that's hilarious, Luminous!! :lol:
by Sam fan
Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:39 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

i hope that there is something in the notebook that will bother him and make him uneasy and want to help

yeah, the notebook seems pretty key, ineed it does. The problem is, getting it into viewable form without the Order or HoO being able to see it (scratch web-posting)... and presenting it in a ...
by Sam fan
Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:33 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

you dont know that though.

spencer could have learned all about ribozymes on his own and it is just a coincedence its the same thing his dad specialized in.
bloody coincidence that, then... :wink:

either way we should show him the notebook and ask his opinion
Agreed! There has to be something ...
by Sam fan
Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:29 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0222- "What Up Blogosphere!" [06/29/07]
Replies: 249
Views: 17570

Laurin_B wrote: And did anyone notice that his employee-of-the-month page talks about his specilization in rybozymes?
Yeah for one 'blendedchaitea' did -- page 7 of this thread I think.

Spencer's mention of that is kinda why it's a no-brainer that he discussed his dad Isaac's work with him...