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by BreeSmells
Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:31 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: "My Difficult Decision" [9/24/06]
Replies: 163
Views: 23234

If you're referring to me, my post only stressed love and I never did highlight the idea that she and Daniel had sex. But in religions, there usually lies two forms of love, a spiritual type like agape in Catholicism or a sexual type like eros. Now when two people start kissing/dating/sort-of-dating ...
by BreeSmells
Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:23 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

You misunderstood me - I'm 90 percent sure Kemltie is an insider. I think you'tre in the right direction.

Oh I getcha. So either Kemltie will keep at it or will completely vanish like creator formerly posing as moderator, Bukkantor. The Moonchild scenario with Daniel as an occultist of some sort ...
by BreeSmells
Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:00 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: "My Difficult Decision" [9/24/06]
Replies: 163
Views: 23234

If you go on to link her religion with "purity bond" you find countless mentions of lonelygirl's purity bond to her father. Many religions, one such as Christianity, idealy would like to keep their followers pure/chaste and would rather have them focus on the meaningful bond (agape) to God rather ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:48 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

Kemlite randomly mentioned both Abramelin and Enochian a couple of days ago.

What is this, a race? lol. The only reason I mentioned that quote from the Book of Law because it mentioned blood. I'm thinking the chartreuse tag either refers to blood or wine. Sound fimiliar right? Like part of the ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:44 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

How can birth control pills be a silly idea? And yes, "Bree" just had her first kiss, so? There are other uses for these pills
Non-Contraceptive Uses

The hormones in "the Pill" can be used to treat some medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:04 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

It would be kind of funny to see us go deeper into this but be way, way off base. However, I think a few things are coming together, strangely.
Aenigmatron, nice work with that and chartreuse is a reddish color like blood right?

I've never heard of those shots, it could be. But wow, that's an ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:47 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

Yeah, that is some creepy significance right there but it wouldn't make sense if the ceremony had already been a confirmed date and they'd need a girl with a period at that time and all her "power/magik". I know girls can predict their cycles but I'm not sure if the story will go that extreme ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:08 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

Okay so continuing on from my last post...
I'm positive this site is swarming with clues, these might be a few.

The Book of Law, Chapter I

I,3: Every man and every woman is a star.

I,16: For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:19 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

By the way, as I've said the previous video, there is somewhat of an O.T.O and Denderah connection

"Be the first to enjoy books from our fine library of historical masterpieces! We are proud to announce that the Rose Library is now open and available for reference and research. This library is the ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:08 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

itslovely, you mean this?:

Scales of Autumn
"At the two balancing points of light and darkness in our annual calendar, lodge members gather by tradition to reaffirm collectively those voluntary bonds which unite our work together as Thelemites ...
by BreeSmells
Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:34 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: The Equinox [9/22/06]
Replies: 191
Views: 27147

i do believe the nail polish bottle is cover girl, but it is a really old bottle. that style of bottle is no longer made.

it is defintely not chanel. but i also do not think the brand has any real significance.

what i do find interesting, though, is that the top of the bottle is in our view so ...
by BreeSmells
Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:47 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: 10-12-06 is Crowley's birthday.
Replies: 18
Views: 7216

All I've read on Crowleymas, which is known as Crowley's birthday of 10-12-06, is that followers usually have a big feast together ("feast for life"), recite some poetry/inspiration/theology text like in a Mass and do some sort of dance [maybe with a drumming circle] or light candles. I think this ...
by BreeSmells
Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:15 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: Swimming! [8/29/06]
Replies: 91
Views: 17278

I like your skeeter/Christ theory. But I'm sorry, I just don't see an Ibis in the marking?
The water beetles which come up to the surface when they no longer have air could also represent Bree coming up for air (from being homeschooled/confined by religious duties/parents) and the whole backlash ...
by BreeSmells
Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:25 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: Learning To Drive [9/20/06]
Replies: 220
Views: 30928

Ha nice ad, you should have also photoshopped in a background picture & frame of Crowley behind the Geiko. But see, I don't hear "geko" when it distinctly had more of a "je" sound as in "Jenny" instead of "geh" as in "get."

Oh "eff" it, for all we know she could have said "Order of the TENTH ROW"
by BreeSmells
Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:41 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: Learning To Drive [9/20/06]
Replies: 220
Views: 30928

Oh wow, I had something going with the O.T.O. theory there eh? Thanks gogo for connecting the two (Dendera and OTO), they actually do link together however, there's not a great deal on info on both in searching on the net.