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by CoquiDave
Sat May 12, 2007 2:19 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0191 - "What the F*@k???" [5/11/07]
Replies: 202
Views: 13961

Daniel: "We couldn't lose 'em", but we see the sedan pulling around the corner ahead of their vehicle? And they've got an SUV, vs a sedan, with good off road country to lose the sedan in?

And why didn't they pick a populated spot to stop at, rather than an isolated area where anything could have ...
by CoquiDave
Sat May 12, 2007 1:44 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0190 - "Aiding and Abetting" [5/10/07]
Replies: 138
Views: 9776


Thanks to y'all for being so nice to a newby poster... I've posted just a couple times before, but nothing of consequence.

I'm usually a lurker, but again, I appreciate the nice responses to what was essentially a "fed up with the cyclic story" gripe fest...

by CoquiDave
Sat May 12, 2007 1:40 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0190 - "Aiding and Abetting" [5/10/07]
Replies: 138
Views: 9776

They don't know what it entails and if it is dangerous.

With what we know about Epogen and the iron pills, I think it's safe to assume it has something to do with blood. Personally, I'm rooting for a sacrifice instead of bloodletting (so much more OOMPH that way), but both are, to say the least ...
by CoquiDave
Sat May 12, 2007 1:19 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0190 - "Aiding and Abetting" [5/10/07]
Replies: 138
Views: 9776

The Order, which supposedly controls the cops, can't put out an APB on their vehicle??? Keep in mind, Bree thinks the Order has this massive control. It isn't certain. Same goes for the Ceremony. They don't know what it entails and if it is dangerous.

These are just two of the plot holes. As I ...
by CoquiDave
Sat May 12, 2007 12:41 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0190 - "Aiding and Abetting" [5/10/07]
Replies: 138
Views: 9776

If Jonas DOES blow this popsicle stand of a situation, no prob for Bree and Daniel to get money. They just have to continue their criminal advancement...

They've already shown no respect for the law with Breaking and Entering and now Kidnapping a Minor and False Imprisonment...

What's a little ...
by CoquiDave
Fri May 11, 2007 2:20 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0190 - "Aiding and Abetting" [5/10/07]
Replies: 138
Views: 9776

If Jonas DOES blow this popsicle stand of a situation, no prob for Bree and Daniel to get money. They just have to continue their criminal advancement...

They've already shown no respect for the law with Breaking and Entering and now Kidnapping a Minor and False Imprisonment...

What's a little ...
by CoquiDave
Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:44 am
Forum: Website Announcements
Topic: Who Sees What?
Replies: 149
Views: 23559

Another quick twist to my original idea...

If one group or another suspects that their "code" (the password for their private messages,) has been broken, they could send a fake message to test the theory.

(Example, in WWII, we knew the Japanese had broken a certain code of ours, and while we'd broken their code unbeknownst to them, we sent ...
by CoquiDave
Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:23 am
Forum: Website Announcements
Topic: Who Sees What?
Replies: 149
Views: 23559

Mainly a lurker, but a suggestion...

I do like the idea that video's from various members should be viewable to only targetted people, (just like YouTube has the ability to group people into different categories so only they see the videos.)

Bree, Daniel, and Jonas should have a channel they can share info with each other on, or send ...