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by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:05 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 208 - Holy SH%T [6/7/07]
Replies: 472
Views: 27318

I love Jonas and Bree together. I've wanted them to kiss forever. Too bad she's probably still brain washed and is going to use him to escape or something. Oh well I will still revel in my excitement now.

I also don't think it's taking advantage of her though because it's just kissing. Kissing isn ...
by Carmilla07
Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:08 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0205 I hAtE tHeSe PeOpLe [6/4/07]
Replies: 309
Views: 23403

Ok that was wierd :shock:

Also what the heck so they gave her a camera and then Daniel edited this together for her and uploaded it? If she was my friend I don't think I'd want the world to see her in such a crazy and wierd state.

Also if they gave her access to the internet so she could upload ...
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:38 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

Samara wrote:
Carmilla07 wrote: Hmmm, very similar, I think. Were you up next to the little utility building/outhouse?
Yeah it was a bathroom.
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:34 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

Here are the most useful pictures I took:
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 11:29 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

Okay, I'm home now.

I decided not to go up to Topanga. I went home instead, but my husband said he wanted to see a movie, so we head back to Woodland Hills to find that the movie we wanted to see was sold out.

So I said, "screw it, let's head to Topanga."

We were tunning a bit behind because of ...
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:48 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

I think this could be pointing us to a specific location - specifically a corner.

There's a street just off the Park (from yesterday) called Katherine Ave. This could be "Kate".

I think "Kate... and a fat clown named sid" is pointing us to the corner of Katherine and someother street.

Been ...
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 6:25 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

GenocideInMyMind wrote:Maybe the sun refers to a location in Topanga Canyon????
LA has been refered to as A place in the sun *shrugs*
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:56 pm
Forum: Beast Chat
Topic: He said "Under the Blue Stone"
Replies: 293
Views: 16302

The_CW wrote:Errgh. Taylor gets on, then she gets right back off. Maybe she doesn't realize WE'RE STUCK, and we desperately need HELP.
Seriously we have no idea if we are even close to being on the right track. I mean we don't even know if we're even supposed to be doing anything tonight.
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 4:04 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

Right, Zane...

BUt what I'm saying is that the clues about "returning" to a place will refer to the seminar attendees, not to Daniel and Jonas.

WHy would the HoO tell them to return to a place they've never been?

Also, since Taylor has pretty much ruled out the Sportsman's Lodge...then the ...
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:25 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

I was just rewatching Nikki Bower's What I Found at Topanga Canyon - NBR 2 and at one point she says "But what I'm really hoping to find, is the barn where Daniel hid"

So maybe there is a Barn with horses at Dead Horse Trail after all and that's where we need to go.
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:07 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

Well whenever we come up with a plan all of us who want to go should set a place to meet so we can investigate together.
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 3:01 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

I said earlier the only Kate I could think of would be Kate Modern.
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:51 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

She stopped talking after we brought up the dead horse trail. So maybe the creators figured we were on the right track and we didn't need to be pused in the right direction anymore?
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:50 pm
Forum: Clues and Puzzles
Topic: [PUZZLE] Blue Stone Message (from the HoO Seminar)
Replies: 564
Views: 26958

hey i couldnt say this in beast chat, cuz its in character but im guessing the creators threw her in the chat today to help us solve some clues, so we should go back and take apart what she posted personally! cuz i dont think the creators would lead us on the wrong path, if the story line is ...
by Carmilla07
Fri Jun 01, 2007 2:32 pm
Forum: Beast Chat
Topic: He said "Under the Blue Stone"
Replies: 293
Views: 16302

I think The Dead Horse Trail in Topanga is our best bet as well.

It would be a place we were returning to. It answers the TCC and pony parts of the message.

It doesn't address the clown part however.

One problem is I don't know about other cell phones but mine didn't get very good reception out ...