Jonas, you need to remind her of what's most important to her.
I would definitely find anything that reminds her of her dad. Show her the collage she made for her dad and anything that can bring back the memories of him. You're doing great Jonas
No, I think Alex uploaded the video because she has it in the end, and plus it has a warning on it that goes out to Jonas and Bree. There's no way she would let Daniel go.
Jonas THANK YOU for trying to get Daniel out of there. :smt049
I'm sorry that he went back. #-o I know you tried.
We're here with you Jonas. We've got your back. Stay tough buddy, I know that Alex's information on your parents has to have your mind reeling right now. Just don't worry---stay ...
I don't care what The Order throws out there---you will not succeed. Because Jonas, Daniel, Tachyon, Brother, and Bree are not 5 against the order. It's all of them plus all of the faithful lonelygirl followers against you.
I don't know----there's just a huge deal of videos dealing with Cassie on that youtube site. And the one that says "Cassie does not RIP"...I don't know, it's just very strange to me.
I feel like people have stopped thinking about Cassie. But I think she plays a much bigger part than people realize ...
Maybe this has been mentioned before, I don't know.
On OpAphid's youtube site, it says "Rumors of MY death have been greatly exaggerated.."
If you look at the Cassie videos that OpAphid made--its pretty clear that the same girl in the Cassie videos is the one who later just shows her eyes in the ...
This is really stressing me out. I love Jonas's character---but I'm really starting to question him after seeing him in this video. Maybe Bree was right all along about him? Maybe he knows more than he's letting on...
I could definitely see this being an "Order" party--and everyone knows it but J ...