Bree's in crazy mode again, when she knows what to do apparently better than anyone else, just like when she tied up Jonas and was suspicious of him. Still, I'm interested to see where they will go now with this.
In "Losing My Religion" Bree tells us that her mom and dad were together before she was introduced to the Hymn of One and that after she was exposed to the religion, she changed from introverted and shy to assertive. This seems to contradict Bree's information in "How My Parents Met". In that video ...
Didn't Jonas say in his last video that he hadn't really seen him aunt since his parents had gone missing? I guess maybe they kept in touch by phone and email and stuff and that may have been why he knew she was in Italy. It seems a little strange that relatives who don't see each other suddenly say ...
I have this horrible feeling that Daniel will go back to the house to find Jonas and Bree have called a truce and are currently sealing it by making out of the couch.
Which will push him into the arms of Jonas' hottie aunt.
Yay! New video and a little more information. Honestly Bree sounds sincere when she's talking into the camera, but when she is talking directly to Jonas, not so much. Something about saying, "I'm sorry, okay!" doesn't cut it.