Search found 103 matches
- Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:41 pm
- Forum: The FanFic Lobby
- Topic: JamieGilmour "Rainbow Bridge" [7/6/07]
- Replies: 1
- Views: 168
- Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:58 pm
- Forum: New Releases
- Topic: Voyboy - Dream 7: Wake Up Rose! (MsKelly) - 4/5/2007
- Replies: 19
- Views: 1728
- Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:24 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
- Replies: 164
- Views: 12385
Wellllll... The thing is, Sarah invited herself to California at a time when everyone knew the guys were in crisis-mode over Bree being gone. You can't just *show up* at someone's house without invitation, without warning, while their best friend is in danger, and say, "How rude of you not to pay ...
- Thu Jun 07, 2007 3:12 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
- Replies: 164
- Views: 12385
Why does the Order even need Bree (trait positive or negative), don't they still have that new girl? If you mean Jules... I think they found out she was trait negative, didn't they? Meaning, they were never really serious about her being qualified as a new girl for the ceremony. They just needed ...
- Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:37 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
- Replies: 164
- Views: 12385
- Thu Jun 07, 2007 2:27 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0207 - "Taking Advantage of Her" [06/06/07]
- Replies: 164
- Views: 12385
- Wed Jun 06, 2007 4:47 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0206 "Bedside Manner" 06/05/07
- Replies: 168
- Views: 15511
I think you and I are the only people not in favor of DB and Sarah. It's just...she just annoys me. I mean, maybe the "i'm a cold goth girl with daddy issues who doesn't take anything seriously and constantly needs attention" thing is amusing to some people, but I guess I've just seen it so often ...
- Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:29 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0206 "Bedside Manner" 06/05/07
- Replies: 168
- Views: 15511
Also note: Sarah and Jonas were essentially trying the same tactics, but Bree was way more receptive to Jonas. I was thinking along the same lines... Sarah's approach, though annoying, is pretty effective too. Bree is focusing all her energy into turning inward and blocking them out. Eliciting *any ...
- Sat Jun 02, 2007 1:31 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0203 -"It's A Cult" [06/01/07]
- Replies: 187
- Views: 16763
It's probably totally not important, but did anyone else notice the oppressive air/whitenoise sound that kicks in at around 3:37 and continues until the end? I first noticed it while listening through my headphones, because my head started feeling like it was under pressure and I couldn't figure out ...
- Tue May 29, 2007 2:29 pm
- Forum: Plot Discussion
- Topic: Bluestone or Luestone
- Replies: 23
- Views: 1480
where did the b in bluestone some from? I can't remember now where on the forum I read it, so I can't give fair credit... but someone said the first "hummmmmm" Bree does comes right at that point, and that it is a B. I don't have perfect pitch, nor a keyboard handy at the moment, so I can't verify ...
- Tue May 29, 2007 11:19 am
- Forum: Plot Discussion
- Topic: Hymn of One seminar (leaked from Craigslist)
- Replies: 170
- Views: 10462
- Mon May 14, 2007 3:09 pm
- Forum: New Releases
- Topic: Voyboy - Dream 9: The First Girl (Bree) - 04/29/07
- Replies: 18
- Views: 1438
Just for the record. I am not using a random vintage photo from google pics or anything like that. The picture was taken in Hungary and the little girl is Zuza Dovala, my great-grandmother. This was her first communion.
I never met her so I dont feel guilty sacrificing her. :wink: Aaaaah... Now it ...
I never met her so I dont feel guilty sacrificing her. :wink: Aaaaah... Now it ...
- Tue May 08, 2007 1:25 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0187- "It's Not Kidnapping" [5/07/07]
- Replies: 198
- Views: 12860
- Tue May 08, 2007 9:22 am
- Forum: New Releases
- Topic: Selena - Ode To A Rose (5/5/07)
- Replies: 9
- Views: 808
- Sun May 06, 2007 1:08 am
- Forum: New Releases
- Topic: Selena - Ode To A Rose (5/5/07)
- Replies: 9
- Views: 808