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by Friar
Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:05 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0115 "Bree and I Hooked Up" (1/15/2007)
Replies: 282
Views: 21238

I just have to say that my respect for Daniel has gone way down. How in the world could he do this to Bree?! That's ridiculous, rude, cruel, and a thousand other words. She's going to see this video, and the sh!t will fly. I hope she beats Daniel to a bloody pulp!
by Friar
Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:53 am
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom
Replies: 7
Views: 838

Well, for that short time between when Daniel/Jonas found the car (Daniel does say at 1:36 "Where'd they go?", so I assume he and Jonas lost them somehow), I do think they went to go see Bree's Mom. Maybe they were all going to go back to Jonas', and Bree and her Dad just went to go get Jonas' car ...
by Friar
Mon Jan 01, 2007 8:27 pm
Forum: Plot Discussion
Topic: Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom
Replies: 7
Views: 838

Theory on Bree's Dad and Mom

I know there's been a lot of talk about whether or not Bree's Dad was being controlled by the Order or not, but I have a theory. I think that somehow Bree's parents escaped from the Order and were hiding out near that parking garage. They decided that they would try to contact Bree, and that only ...