Search found 2 matches

by sammysays
Thu Dec 28, 2006 9:17 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0107 "Roadtrip" [12/28/06]
Replies: 257
Views: 22587

so I'm wondering how there can be 4/5 pages of posts on a vid that was posted an hour ago...and then I a whole page of "New vidoe coming", Yayyyyy" Woo hoo and allt hat other crap the rest is is nothing but stupid off topic blathering STUPID, ridiculous theories, one liners, quotes and "lol"s

It ...
by sammysays
Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:56 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0103 "Breaking and Entering" [12/21/06]
Replies: 326
Views: 30170

wouldn't an injection of epi be more fun to watch? Bree going crazy and having a heartattack?
or is epi the one with a very short half life so it wouldn't matter?