Search found 3 matches

by Tez
Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:23 am
Forum: Daniel aka Danielbeast
Topic: Who is the DanielBeast?
Replies: 12
Views: 2744

Who is the DanielBeast?

now that most people know who Bree is (lets just assume that she is infact "jessica Rose") i wonder how long it will take people to find out who Daniel is?

or do we already know?
by Tez
Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:20 am
Forum: Bree aka Lonelygirl15
Topic: This is her -- no joke, not maybe -- HER
Replies: 13
Views: 5934

Re: more info

NY Times broke story here it seems (guess I was a bit late):

Her full name is Jessica Rose. She is from Mount Maunganui, New Zealand and attended the New York Fim Academy at Universal Studios in Hollywood ...
by Tez
Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:17 am
Forum: Bree aka Lonelygirl15
Topic: This is her -- no joke, not maybe -- HER
Replies: 13
Views: 5934


Yea its breaking in News every where - turns out apparently these guys found out about her:

and they know A LOT about her as well - wow internet kinda scares me..

she seems to be headline news around the world - here is ...