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- Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:34 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0113 - "Foosball"
- Replies: 173
- Views: 15500
I think this video was partly made to dispell the "Daniel and Jonas" relationship rumors. Just like in the "Roadtrip" vid where Jonas put his eye REALLY close to the camera was a way to dispell the whole "Jonas on drugs" train of thought. Not that a relationship between the two would be bad, just ...
- Mon Jan 08, 2007 11:21 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0111 "45 Seconds" [1/8/07]
- Replies: 152
- Views: 14663
I feel that Bree's "dad" was shot to shut him up. They were going to take him, dead or alive. They didn't get to him before he told Bree some of the truths of her life and the truth of his and her "mother's" role in her life. I don't think he told her all those truths, thus creating the motivation ...
- Sat Jan 06, 2007 3:40 am
- Forum: Daniel aka Danielbeast
- Topic: They shot Bree's dad, what will happen to the Beast?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 2387
- Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:10 pm
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0110 "My Dad Said..." [1/5/07]
- Replies: 265
- Views: 23913
I don't know why.. but I have this feeling that two sets of missing parents.. I'm not sure if it's been ever raised before but what if Jonas and Bree are actually siblings! Maybe her real parents are Jonas. And they were murdered by the Order and then.... I don't know. Interesting twist though. I ...
- Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:22 am
- Forum: Plot Discussion
- Topic: Who is Tachyon and why does he have footage of Gemma?
- Replies: 27
- Views: 3161
Tachyon - Nikki Bower?
I have this crazed theory, based on early close up shots in old Tach vids, and some of the coincidences in her videos, matched with Tachyon's. Check out Nikki Bower's myspace. She lists Nancy Drew as one of her heros, she's in the same general area as Bree and Daniel and she's vaguely in-the-know ...
- Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:28 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: Silent Treatment [11/21/06]
- Replies: 125
- Views: 12498
Daniel's makeup
It looks like he's dyed his beard (and his hair?). Thats a serious move to hide his appearance. I'm proud of his dedication to the show, and to Bree. I do think his lips are chapped, as well. Maybe too much dry air from the hotel room, either heaters or ACs can be drying. A long shot...LOL!
- Sat Nov 18, 2006 3:43 am
- Forum: The Videos
- Topic: 0078 "Fleeing the Watcher"
- Replies: 232
- Views: 18536
NikkiBower connection.....
In the NikkiBowerReport on YouTube she mentions that we should "look closer" at the videos, and uses the miniture Nancy Drew book from the OpAphid/Tachyon vids.
I did see a tiny clip of a notepad or paper with a pencil on top on the table before the chaos of packing ensues right when Daniel and ...
I did see a tiny clip of a notepad or paper with a pencil on top on the table before the chaos of packing ensues right when Daniel and ...