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by Lizard219
Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:39 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


*peeks in* Empty? That's just my luck. I'll just leave a message, that's right. Ok, what should I say? Hmmm. I mean, I've been out for a while, it has to be something meaningful. Maybe a sonnet? An ode to the wonder and the beauty that is the LG15 community? Maybe a short story about a ...
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:18 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


Cool beans, thanks, Marbella. Goodnight!

I think I'm going to bed, too. I'm going to crawl in between the covers with my latest Anita Blake novel and read myself to sleep. :)
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:02 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


Jess, what an adorable picture of you!

The site is REALLY freaking out.. too many people loading it up!

Wickest, I am THRILLED that you will be able to stay on with us!!

Wow, Lizard..I never saw Jonas. I guess I just didn't WANT to see him! (I've missed you, btw..)

Awwww... thanks, Marbella ...
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:36 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


He's in the tachyon part of the vid, standing next to Bree holding the camera, Marbella.
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:34 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


Hi, Absynth!

Jess, me, too. There was absolutely no glimpse of her on the camera.
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:26 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


Sim, you and Jess must have quite a lot of "lingerie" to discuss there, huh?

Is it possible that Tachyon left cameras around but that she wasn't actually there on the scene? Is it possible that Bree threw the flash grenade? Am I just not seeing what was obvious?

That does happen with me ...
by Lizard219
Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:04 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848

Holy crap. So wait... the little caption when the flashy thing rolled in indicated Tachy rolled it. The "can we trust this guy"... Was Brother waiting up the ladder? Where did Tachyon go?
by Lizard219
Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:49 pm
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: February Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 16777
Views: 178848


Is there someone more tech savvy than I who can add this to the slurpee page in the LGpedia? I think it should be there. :P

Oh, and hello! Sorry I've been away, it's a busy, busy time. Putting in a pre ...
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:22 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182


All righty, I have enjoyed being back, but I am one sleepy reptile! :P I'm going to hit the hay, I have to get up early and study for a few hours before I get dragged to the gym for the fourth time this week in the afternoon. (Four times... too much!)

Night, all!
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:06 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182


Oh, pul-lease. Your rep is still as sparkling as always, ApotheosisAZ. ;)

Good night, though!
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:58 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182


(belatedly) Night, Marbella!

stuart, I appreciate that!
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:57 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182

Jess probably just sent Lizard a PM relating the fact that I am a Liberal Democrat!


The rest of my family are hardcore Republicans. I'm the black sheep of the family.

Meh. All my best friends are, too. That must be why I like you. :) I'm used to not being around my political affiliates ...
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:36 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182

Marbella, that's part of why I didn't sweat adding music. Most of the music on my computer is DEFINITELY copyrighted and these people WOULD come after me. If I did upload to Revver, that's where they'd probably nail me.

Jess, wherever I go, I'm always the minority, mostly cause I like the company ...
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:32 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182


LOL, thanks. Well, the thing I worry about is using images and trademarks in a vid and making money off of it. I haven't studied enough of the law yet to know if that's cool.

I think I'm going to take that link down in a bit, though, at least until I upload it to another site. I just realized ...
by Lizard219
Sat Jan 27, 2007 1:27 am
Forum: P. Monkey's Playhouse
Topic: January Video Commentary Archive
Replies: 15817
Views: 162182


Jess, once, while drunk, I decided to go on about why I hate Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately, let's just say I picked the wrong audience. I don't talk politics with other law students anymore. It's too painful. :P

That's a very wise and diplomatic position to take, Marbella. :) I understand ...