Search found 20 matches

by L1Z
Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:48 pm
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0127 "Miss Me?" (OpAphid) [02/04/07]
Replies: 395
Views: 33870

Oh noz Danny B!!

I doubt Bree will fall for this.
I mean, we know Daniel better than this, and I certainly think Bree would even more so!

Jonas & Bree to the rescueeee!
by L1Z
Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:42 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: [VIDEO] Tachyon "Gemma [Part I]"
Replies: 71
Views: 9804


so Gemma is Tachyon, or?

Yeah I'm kinda like "HOLY CR*P...." and then the rest is fuzzy.
Something big just happened but I feel sort of lost a tad.

So Gemma isn't in the UK.
She's entering some building. (Where the Order is?)

She can't really be Tachyon because I think we're suppose to ...
by L1Z
Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:01 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: 0090 "Warwalking" (12/4/06)
Replies: 160
Views: 16511

Tachyon Email: WarWalking

Tachyon wrote:

wifi is everywhere, thankfully.

definite "anything."



lizsubvert wrote:

Come to Oregon and I'd do anything to aid you.
Finding an WiFi connection must be difficult considering the circumstances.
What'll be your next move?

Good luck and be safe.

Tachyon wrote ...
by L1Z
Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:05 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: The OpAphid Community Thread
Replies: 119
Views: 15456

tiltingwindward wrote: I live in Oregon (whee!), where it is lovely and all the food is twice as good as anywhere else in the country.

Whee indeed. Oregon is the bomb. Best place to live, honest.
& you're right, our food is good. I can name like 6 places on the top of my head to get great vegan food.
by L1Z
Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:01 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: The OpAphid Community Thread
Replies: 119
Views: 15456

Re: Hi, I'm Liz

Hey I'm Liz. I live in Oregon, [Or-E-Gun]. We hate when people say it "Or-E-Gone"

I used to live there (very briefly) with a now ex-boyfriend..and he always said I pronounced it wrong..he said to say it as if your saying "organ"...because we pronounce it like (or - e - gun) here. haha.

Anyways ...
by L1Z
Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:46 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: The OpAphid Community Thread
Replies: 119
Views: 15456

Hi, I'm Liz

Hey I'm Liz. I live in Oregon, [Or-E-Gun]. We hate when people say it "Or-E-Gone" just like people from Illinois hate people pronouncing the 's'.
I digress...I'm 16 going on 22 [sometimes].
I go to a private liberal non-religious college-prep highschool.
We're number one in state.

I have green hair ...
by L1Z
Tue Nov 28, 2006 12:19 am
Forum: LG15 in the Press
Topic: essay assignment
Replies: 26
Views: 5875

Instead of going to all that trouble, why not use the essay generator ?

What on earth would be the point of that!?!

Also... I looked at that silly website and it is redonkulus. I typed in "cotton swabs" for fun and it gave me the most rediculous piece of nonsense I've ever read! It seemed like ...
by L1Z
Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:35 pm
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: [VIDEO][DROP] 11-26 TACHYON "Mysteries of my past"
Replies: 120
Views: 11803

Lad's Drop/Content Videos Up

Oh & I'm sure those who refresh their "New Videos" section every five minutes has noticed Ladron121 has posted up the videos from the drop / the contents.

That postcard back looks like a real whopper.
Decoding starts.......NOW! :)

Oh Tachy, I love the purple card...with the monkey on it.
How ...
by L1Z
Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:30 pm
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: [VIDEO][DROP] 11-26 TACHYON "Mysteries of my past"
Replies: 120
Views: 11803

Okay, anyway...

Has there been any discussion of whether Tachyon and Brother could be Bree's parents? Maybe that's impossible; I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole Op Aphid ARG side of this show/game/site. But I thought I'd throw it out there.

Not a bad thought.
However it seems ...
by L1Z
Sun Nov 26, 2006 4:01 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: [VIDEO] 11-26 OPAPHID "Adventures in Babysitting"
Replies: 29
Views: 3602

I know they said it'd get easier...but this seems too easy. (this is more for the creators to read i suppose)

Warning us in advance of where-ish and when?

Wonder what cool postcard we'll get this time.

OpA edited her profile too:

"With so many children running about, it can be ...
by L1Z
Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:50 am
Forum: The Videos
Topic: OpA: Adventures in Babysitting [11/26/06]
Replies: 67
Views: 7575

OpA: Adventures in Babysitting [11/26/06]

New Video Is Up.
No surprise here.
by L1Z
Fri Nov 24, 2006 2:55 pm
Forum: Get to Know Each Other
Topic: Rogues Gallery! (what do you look like?)
Replies: 5575
Views: 322681

No...married chicks dig me..let me clarify..
SINGLE CHICKS never dig me..
but the few that do tend to be married...

It's okay, I have the "I-DIG-OLDER-DUDES" syndrome.
Let me tell you, it can get kinda sticky., not that type of sticky............
okay well maybe.....

Ok...define OLDER ...
by L1Z
Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:52 am
Forum: OpAphid: Archive
Topic: The next installment will be newbie friendly
Replies: 99
Views: 10338

Also a in devoted, staying up until morning, scraps of paper, doodles and coffee rings aplenty.
I was definatelt dissapointed at first with it being canon and all, because I assumed that would mean, 8-year old audience lame. But, the nice thing is that logically, everything ...
by L1Z
Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:36 am
Forum: Get to Know Each Other
Topic: Rogues Gallery! (what do you look like?)
Replies: 5575
Views: 322681

lordgreystoke422 wrote:
No...married chicks dig me..let me clarify..
SINGLE CHICKS never dig me..
but the few that do tend to be married...
It's okay, I have the "I-DIG-OLDER-DUDES" syndrome.
Let me tell you, it can get kinda sticky., not that type of sticky............
okay well maybe.....
by L1Z
Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:15 am
Forum: Rubbish Bin
Topic: Introduce yourself!
Replies: 307
Views: 26833

Not Really New

Hi. I'm Liz. I'm 16 going on 22. I live for education & go to a college prep, non-religious private highschool. I have green/blonde hair, wears a bullet belt which bruises, hikes, loves politics, debate, writing & LG15. & Tachy.

I've been following LG15 from about video....(checks)...ten ...