Search found 3 matches

by AOGinc
Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:55 pm
Forum: The Others in Bree's Life
Topic: Gemma's accent
Replies: 60
Views: 10085

Is gemma supposed to be a kiwi but living in britain or is she actually supposed to be english and born in england? If the latter is true, the creators really need to change it to the former, because there's no way anyone from england would talk like that!

we take correct pronnunciation seriously ...
by AOGinc
Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:17 am
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Automated Opinion Generator chooses LG as first vLog!
Replies: 5
Views: 1101

Thank you for you comments. We're delighted we've managed to create a system with sufficient AI to create humorous remarks, but at present we're unsure whether these are merely unfortunate oversights of the system's filters. If this is so we still have some work to do, but that just means more ...
by AOGinc
Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:11 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Automated Opinion Generator chooses LG as first vLog!
Replies: 5
Views: 1101

Automated Opinion Generator chooses LG as first vLog!

AOGinc's Automated Opinion Generator 4.9 (YouTube edition) has chosen LonelyGirl as it's first vLog topic! Take a look at
to see what a supercomputer thinks of LG15