Search found 14 matches

by Qoinz
Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:16 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: [Puzzle][SOLVED] Morse Code "WHERE" 10-02-2006
Replies: 614
Views: 59997

TheChessboardWoman wrote: The only reason there would be a fence around graves is to either fence around an entire graveyard or mark a family plot.
Unless we arent talking about a proper grave....
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:00 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

My bad wasnt awear tiny urls werent controlable. Well then we are left with 2 options? she wants us to figure something else out with the poem, or shes leaving some sort of clue for people who maybe dont have the resource of visiting a forum like this and by chance forgot the end of her tiny url? If ...
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:54 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

A good point raised is why she put the tinyurl in her message again, why hammer it in? Is it that we need to fully decode the meaning of the message in order to be ready on the first?

possible. but the idea has been raised that the tiny urls have had significance to this umm game thats not a game ...
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:49 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

This proves one thing... Cassie is watching ME :!: and taunting me with her "BE READY!"


speaking of taunting. Literaly seconds after we solved the morse code/ anagram puzzle today, Cassie took it off her profile. I had a huge hunch she was taunting us or letting us know she reads of ...
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:47 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

As soon as I leave something always happens! :x :)

So we were right and the clues will start on the first!

And I really do think everyone is reading way too much into the serapis thing. It's there as a hint to the anagrams. I don't think it's any more or less than that.

Then why does it ...
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 6:06 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

Qoinz wrote:
Jengels2002 wrote:Codes Into Serapis

That is the one part we never did figure out...
If the pattern continues.... this "Codes into serapis" could this just mean that we should use anagrams to solve the current puzzle.
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:58 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

Strange... we already knew the first was going to be an important date.

Cassie is emphasizing.... anyone wonder why?

Perhaps she is emphasizing the date so that we don't have any more "dead drops" stolen. She wants us to be first on the scene.

Ok I like that explination actuly. Umm... well ...
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:56 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

Jengels2002 wrote:Codes Into Serapis

That is the one part we never did figure out...
If the pattern continues.... this "Codes into serapis" could this just mean that we should use anagrams to solve the current puzzle.
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:32 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

Strange... we already knew the first was going to be an important date.

Cassie is emphasizing.... anyone wonder why?
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:28 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221



It begins the first
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 5:21 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Cassie just logged in - 9/27/06
Replies: 135
Views: 15221

(line by line)


codes into serapis


by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:11 am
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Trying to get back on track....
Replies: 45
Views: 6490

ok straight up i want to point out that having this complex and driven of a mystery is not ment for internet forums. This would be so much easier in a conference type room sigh.
by Qoinz
Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:54 am
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: Trying to get back on track....
Replies: 45
Views: 6490

Bree says the ritual shes going through doesnt happen often and its very rare to be apart of it. Is she just full of it or do we believe that?

if we believe it isnt unlikely that Cassie went through the same ritual?
by Qoinz
Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:53 pm
Forum: FanFic Archive
Topic: [Solve] Morse Poem Interpretation and Analysis - Part I
Replies: 419
Views: 39521

Judging on Brees genuine concern and lack of understanding of Cassie in the swimming video thing, there doesnt seem to be any reason to think Cassie should hate Bree.

In fact I havent seen Cassie assert herself much of anywhere. She says Bree lies but thats not a negitive judgement, it sounds ...